New Saltwater set up, advice needed


New Member
Feb 28, 2004
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I have a 75 gallon FW tank I want to convert to saltwater. I do not want a full reef system, and do not want to use a wet/dry filter. I would like to do fish and maybe a slight amount of live rock. Here is what I have, what I know I need to get, and I could use advice on anything else...

I have: 75 gallon 48"x18"x20" tank
Canopy with DIY 4-48" Tubes; 1-50/50, 2-10000K, 1 daylight
1 eheim 2215 cannister filter
1 AClear 500 HOT Filter
2 AC 301 powerheads with quickfilters
1-150W Ebo Jager Heater, 1-100W Marineland heater

I know I need to get:
Crushed coral (100lbs or so)?
test kits for saltwater
saltwater mix
Protein Skimmer?
Different lighting?

What other supplies am I looking at? Also is a 75 gallon suffecient to keep a few saltwater fish and maybe a couple of corals? Looking at a couple of clownfish, maybe a triggerfish or small angelfish. Maybe a yellow tang. Thanks for any advice.
in my 75 gal i hav 40 lb. of crushed coral and 40lb of live sand....uv sterilisers are a good thing to have to i always say that you sould get 1lb of live rock for every gal of water but that is up to you ... i like the wet drys better than the canisters but thats just mei would get the trigger last becouse he will be the most aggresive fish in your tankand sould be interdused last are you putting an anemone with the clowns becouse in my experince they do a little better with my 75 gal. i have 6 powerheads4 in the back top and bottom and one on each side in front of the rocks to get a good curent so there are no dead spots in my tank and so my corals get a good flow....well hope this helps :D
are you putting an anemone with the clowns becouse in my experince they do a little better with them.....

This is WRONG. Clowns are happy with an anemone if they can get one, but they do no worse without one than they will with one. The idea that clowns need an anemone is mostly myth, and should be put down whenever possible.

What other supplies am I looking at? Also is a 75 gallon suffecient to keep a few saltwater fish and maybe a couple of corals? Looking at a couple of clownfish, maybe a triggerfish or small angelfish. Maybe a yellow tang. Thanks for any advice.

If you do get a triggerfish, immediately forget any chance of getting any corals. Triggers have voracious appetites, and they will eat any corals as soon as you put them in. They will also take any opportunity to chew on the anemone, if you get one.

If you do get a yellow tang, make sure you add it last, or next-to-last, depending on whether or not you get the trigger. (If you get the trigger, then add that fish last.) Tangs need a ton of oxygen, so you'll have to plan your system accordingly. They also really need their greens, so either buy some marine algae that grows fast, or start stocking up on processed seaweed (which can be found in the grocery store nearest you under Japanese specialty foods).

Crushed coral (100lbs or so)?

I think that this is a bit much. You should only have 1-2 inches of coral gravel on your aquarium bottom, unless you have sand-sifting gobies, or you are planning on getting a jawfish. Too much coral gravel can create ananerobic areas, which will produce toxic hydrogen sulfide.

Good luck with your setup! Hope this helps!

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