New Rio 400 Tank


Fish Fanatic
Oct 19, 2004
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I have just brought a new fish tank (Rio 400).

It's coming on Thursday :D

How often should I do water changes, and how much water should I change at one time?.

On my old tank, I do 25% once aweek. That tank is 100 Litres.

Got to say, my 100Litre tank is packed out with plants and stones etc. This new tank is going to be very bare for the next few months.

I did buy a nice big bit of bog-wood and that was well expensive.


i hope this will be of some help to you
on the third page of this forum,scroll down to find
"Tank size how many gallons for a 5x2x2 thread"
on there is the most fantastic calculator i have ever
come across,it tell you everything you need to know.
You will need to do exactly the same maintenance in the new tank as the old one - assuming stocking levels are similar.

I personally think that 25% every week is overkill (though won't do any harm if you want to do it), unless you are really running the tank on the edge. You may find that this is too much to do at once, so if you really want to you could do 10% twice weekly.

The filter in the rio is quite prone to clogging, so keep a close eye on the flow - it may be worthwhile adding an external filter if you are intending to stock heavily, this would also be useful to add some flow to the other side of the tank.
You will need to do exactly the same maintenance in the new tank as the old one - assuming stocking levels are similar.

I personally think that 25% every week is overkill (though won't do any harm if you want to do it), unless you are really running the tank on the edge. You may find that this is too much to do at once, so if you really want to you could do 10% twice weekly.

The filter in the rio is quite prone to clogging, so keep a close eye on the flow - it may be worthwhile adding an external filter if you are intending to stock heavily, this would also be useful to add some flow to the other side of the tank.


Thanks for the two replies.

I have an external filter which I am going to put on as we'll as the internal one. My external filter has been running on my old tank for 6 months now. F 304.

I heard the base will come flat packed. Any hints and tips on putting it together?.


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