New Reef Setup :)


New Member
Dec 30, 2012
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Hi all first post on the salty side so here goes...
i have recently purchased a juwel trigon 190 that has been drilled and has a sump, it was second hand and has been running for a while but iv added some of my own stuff to it.
all it had stock wise was around 5kgs of live rock 2 pulsing xenia frags, a chalk goby, 2 cleaner shrimps and a few hermit crabs and snails. it also came with all the usual stuff wave makers, skimmer, heater . Since then i have added a few corals and a pair of clowns.
my first question is my skimmer is a TMC v2 600 and has been running with the old person producing lots of skimmate but all the time iv been running it currently 7 days it had produced none iv tried it set at a few setting but mainly the one where the scum line is, i have noticed the pot at the top is full of water where the brown should collect should this be empty ?
next question is how much phytoplankton should i fee my corals each day i have a small bottle i got from my lfs i just pour a few drops in is this enough ?
Cheato is a bit of a wierd one i know how it works but whenever i test i always get 20ppm Nitrates so it isnt really doing much i have it in my sump on a bed of sand  with a light above it 24/7 is this right ?
lastly wavemakers
i have one on the left pointing at the surface to create agitation and a bigger on at the back facing the bowed front to disperse the water . the bigger on at the back is on a timer to only be on while the main light is on so everything gets a break is this okay or does anyone have any better ideas im open to suggestions 
i know its along first post iv been holding out on asking a million questions and boiled it down to these few, I will attach some pictures of the tank and a video of my skimmer see if anyone can enlighten me
many thanks fisshboy


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