New Rams.


Fish Fanatic
Jul 17, 2007
Reaction score
Largo, FL
I just got 3 gold rams from a LFS, and was wondering how do you tell if they are male or female?
Why? All I kneed to know is how to tell the sexes apart. Oh and one already died :-(
***** put some picture up son!

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I think you should be able to tell by fins and color. Males should be brighter and have pointed fins, where as females aren't as bright with rounded fins. The dorsal fin should tell you everything...
The males dorsals first ray should be longer right? And the end should have a point? They are still young only about an inch long.
It might be hard to tell if one is a male for a while however. In my Rams, the male's first dorsal rays did not grow long until I had him for about 2 months. I had to sex him by his other finnage. Also, I have a female who has an extremely pointed back of her dorsal fin and it extends past her caudal fin! Basically you have to look for all the signs of sexes to be sure. Not just fins

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