New Pygmy Cories


Starting again
May 17, 2009
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Bournemouth, UK
Well I loved my cories so much, I have set up a small tank to attempt to breed my new additions, pygmy cories, got and introduced them today, they are unbelievably cute and tiny!


Have some crushed blood worm dust, green spirinula dust, frozen brineshrimp and flake to feed them :)
Very cute!

Did you just get two fish and what size tank do you have? What kinds of conditions do pygmies most likely breed in? I have two, one of each gender and they haven't bred. I just moved them up to a 5-gallon (but may re-home them).
Hello thank again guys, GuppyGoddess I got 6 in the end (only took those pics as they were resting ;)) and have them currently in a 5g to once they have settled try my hand at breeding and also to ensure they are all good before they go into their main home. From what I have been reading you need a good ratio of males to females and how easy it is can be a little potluck to conditions they are in and whether they want to! (If you do rehome Im sure there will be plenty of takers for these cuties, me included! but do reconsider!)
Hello thank again guys, GuppyGoddess I got 6 in the end (only took those pics as they were resting ;)) and have them currently in a 5g to once they have settled try my hand at breeding and also to ensure they are all good before they go into their main home. From what I have been reading you need a good ratio of males to females and how easy it is can be a little potluck to conditions they are in and whether they want to! (If you do rehome Im sure there will be plenty of takers for these cuties, me included! but do reconsider!)
Thanks. Unfortunetly after moving my two to the bigger tank, one pretty much fizzled out. She sat in the same spot all day and when I moved her to a cup, she kind of tipped to the side.

Pygmies are so adorable. Hopefully I can adopt more in the future in a few years. They seem more delicate than I prepared for at this time.

Best of luck with breeding yours! Hope they make lots of little cutie babies.
Hi lilacamy931 :)

I wish you luck with breeding them. They are fine little fish and you could even keep a few more in that tank.

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