New Puffer fish dead and dying


New Member
Aug 11, 2004
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I bought a tropical fish tank and left the tank to settle as instructed by the shop, i was told to leave the tank for up to 3 months before putting in my puffer fish (to get the right bactria), but if i put some other fish in first this would help speed up the process. (i put 2 parrot fish in it for 2 months) i then bought 2 small figure 8 puffers and 2 small spotted puffers, ive had them 3 weeks and 3 of them have died within the last 2 days (the water as far as i know is ok and has the right about of salt in it) i have been feeding them frozen blood worm, dryed blood worm and also pellets (they was fed snails on the day i bought them so didnt need any more as yet)

does any one have any ideas why they have died? or what i have done wrong :-(
They wasnt eatting alot and deano seems to be at the top of the tank alot now, i dont think he is too heathy either :sick:
Sounds like ammonia poisoning to me. Even if the tank has been well cycled you can still get a build up of ammonia from over feeding etc. Puffers are pretty messy.
I'd carry out a 50% water change. Treat the 'clean' water with a good dechlorinator and try to match it with the temperature of that in the tank. I wouldn't offer them food for a few days either. You might wanna test for ammonia and keep an eye on it just in case. ;)
You should supply us with some more specifics. What is the SG (specific gravity, or salinity) of the tank? Those puffers you've got are brackish water fish, and usually like an SG of around 1.005 (I believe, someone correct me if I'm wrong, please) or so, and it should ideally be increasing in salinity as they mature to a total saltwater environment when they're older.

Also, have you got a water test kit? Puffers are very delicate fish, and only a perfectly cycled tank will provide a good home for them. It's also got to be able to convert large loads of ammonia and nitrites, since (as Link said) puffers are messy eaters. When you thought you were ready to put the puffers in, did you check the parameters (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate) to make sure they were stable? They ammonia and nitrite should have been at zero, and the nitrate should have been 50 or below. Check your levels now, and let us know how they are.

Finally, what size is your tank? Pufferfish need a lot of room to swim around in and establish territories, and so if your tank is too small, the puffers will have been nipping and biting each other over space.

Don't beat yourself up about it, it sounds like your LFS didn't properly prepare you for caring for pufferfish. They are very difficult fish to take care of, but when you've got time and dedication, they're very rewarding, as well.
puffers should be speices only fish if u post in oddballs u would get more posts and more advice u need lots of caves plants u need to feed them snails too.
Hi, I had a spotted puffer, cute little guy. My salinity was 1.010 and all was great. Never had a problem with my puffer and two bumble bee gobies. But I wanted to go complete marine so I traded.

What size of tank are these puffers in?

Puffers get to be of quite a size, I know of others that said figure 8 and spotted puffers did not get along.

I would highly recommend that if you try puffers again to just get one of these two types and add some bumble bee gobies or even a mono or scat if your tank is big enough.

Now there is also freshwater puffers out there, be careful with them though as to what other fish you put with them or they could have a nice dinner.

Brackish is a neat thing, our LFS here are not big on them so there is no market for them at all. They always say if you are doing brackish go full marine and really enjoy. :kana:

Good luck and keep us posted, take some water to your LFS and get them to test it for you if you don't have a test kit. It will be worth the drive :)

bugsy :thumbs:
:byebye: Im sorry to say Deano didnt make it thought the night :unsure:

Thank you for everyones replies and help

Im not sure what i will be doing or putting in the tank now, at the moment i dont want to put anything in it incase i kill it, so ill just be testing the water and looking into types of fish.

I would like to have puffers again as thats what i bought and set the tank up 4 months ago for (im sure i can wait a little longer if ive waited this long), but i will make sure everything is perfect this time :D

Ill keep you all posted

Bye from

Nichola and oceans 11 tank (franky,deano,sammy and angie)

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