New Pleco


Fish Crazy
Jul 17, 2012
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I took in a new pleco today... Hes 4 years old and i was told he was a common pleco... but i think he looks more like a clown (plus hes way too small for a common from what i've seen) he's around 3 inches long and nice and fat... hes constantly munching on the algae too which makes me doubt if hes a clown as our other clown (much lighter brown) is only interested in the bogwood :/

so what is he? and can we tell if hes a he?

A Panaque or Peckoltia of some sort I think, there are one or two of each, I will leave more precise ID to someone more experienced.
He looks different to our clown and eats algae though... do they eat algae when they get older and change appearance?
All fish have different personalities, and yes, clown plecs do indeed graze on algae. Looks exactly like a Clown Plec, and the fact it's over 4 years old and only 3 inches further reinforces my belief it's been correctly identified (slow growers).
Sorry i didn't mean to sound like i was doubting you, i had just been used to our clown plec ignoring the algae and was told that clowns actually only eat wood (which is exactly how Simon is) so i had kinda convinced myself this guy must be something else lol. I did tell my sister (original owner) that he looked like a clown but she was adamant that wasn't what she was told when she bought him. She thought she was told he was a common... which he pretty obviously isn't lol!

I'm wondering quite why this little guy is quite so friendly too, perhaps he feels braver now there isn't just him and a gold barb? Maybe he realizes he's got a brother fishy to play with? He's certainly a lot braver than Simon ever has been, and apparently he used to spend his entire time inside the castle ornament in the old tank so it seems he likes his new home at least... and now we know he's a clown, the kids and husband have named him krusty... :p

Thanks for your help all :)
are females smaller? our original clown can only be about 6 months and is nearly the same size!
hmm well hes definitely a clown as i've posted a pic of him before in here... we were told the ones in the shop were only a few months old when we bought him and that was maybe 2 months ago max. theres prob about half an inch difference but they havent been side by side to compare. im including the tail too... should i be?

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