The picture really sucks and I had to do it quick after I got him out of his hole. For a while all I could call it was "flash zebra", which is what the LFS sold it to me as abut a year ago. I was recently in one of my other LFS, which had the same pleco, labeled as a queen arabesque. Obviously its not that, and they knew it wasn't either, but its skin patterns are very similiar. So while I was their we did some research on it and were able to find it. Its a very new species that is just being seen in the hobby. check out Planetcatfish. They have some photos that are exactly like mine, and the one in the store, especially the third photo.
Heres a link to my LFS, they also have a good picture of it.
I tried to take a picture of y scarlet pleco the same day, but he wouldn't come out at all. He like wedged himself all the way up in the wood. Oh the joy of plecos.