New Pleco


Fish Fanatic
Feb 22, 2006
Reaction score
north wales uk
been up 2 wigan pier to get some bits and bobs for my other tank and picked this little fella up

is it a L190 or a L191 ?



I'm not a Panaque fan (or keepeer) but I'll try to help - I dont thing its either of them. the tail is wrong for the 190 - and the eyes are wrong for the 191...

I think it could well be an L27c... but the fins arent that red'dy
Just had a look in my aqualog. Not a panaque fan either, but it does not look like L190 or 191 either. However it does look like Panaque nigrolineatus no L number as shown on page 143 of aqualog. Not sure if this is any help.

I am a Panaque fan, and the short answer is I can't say for certain which yours is, but it doesn't really matter.

All the regional varieties of Panaque nigrolineatus need exactly the same care. The Brazilian fish do tend to be bit more sensitive, especially if given a poor (i.e., meat- rather than vegetable-based) diet and not enough oxygen. So they have quite a bad track record in aquaria.

By contrast the Colombian/Venezuelan fish can be considered fairly robust (assuming your fish isn't half-starved) and tend to very well in aquaria and last many years. My specimen is something over 13 years of age, and she's lived in everything from a hard water Mbuna tank to a acidic, softwater tank.

So just sit back and enjoy your fish.

Cheers, Neale
Nevertheless and knowing nothing about the variety--He's a cutie! How big will it get? It is a herbavore? [I am so lazy not to just go look it up. :blush: ]
They can be a bit nervous when young and enjoy subdued lighting, it could get up to 12" plus in home aquaria, reported 20" max in the wild. But they are slow growers. Just don't keep them with overly aggressive tankmates, as can be outcompeted for food. Schooling fish are best, gives them confidence. Likes a lot of greenfood, particularly courgette and kale (greens). Spinach and lettuce can sometimes be a bit nutrient poor for these fish. Also supplement with algae wafers, good catfish pellets and the odd cockle/prawn. A great character fish in my opinion, a big favourite. :nod:

Nevertheless and knowing nothing about the variety--He's a cutie! How big will it get? It is a herbavore? [I am so lazy not to just go look it up. :blush: ]

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