New Plec


Fish Gatherer
Aug 31, 2009
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Hi there , was in a local garden centre picking up another rock for a future project. I got an impulse purchase and picked up a juvi bristlenose for £4.00 :hyper: , I got one the other week from another place for £5.75, the penny didn't drop till I got home, what if they are both male or both female, will they scrap , I have a 95ltr tank 30"x12"x15" will he/she need to go back to the shop ? :sad:
Any responses and advise greatly appreciated..... :good:
2 in 95l is going to be pushing it. What filtration do you have?

If they are both small you may be ok for now but if both are male they will fight in a small tank. 2 females probably wouldn't but there still could be space issues.
Tetratec EX700eternal filter :good: , at the moment there are about a dozen tetras and half a dozen shrimp. In the near future it will only hold 6 small cichlids and maybe 4 dwarf rainbow..... Will make plenty of hiding places...... :good:
Could be ok then :) Just keep a close eye on things as they grow up.

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