New Plec


Fish Herder
Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds W.Yorkshire
Got two new baby plecs on saturday not sure what they are! The LFS said that they only grow to four inches (I only have a small aquarium)

I think they might be Dwarf Ancistros (Just had quick scan on internet) but not sure! At the moment they are only 1" long, brown, and have lots of creamy coloured dots all other the body!

Is there a plec that only grows to approx 4 inches or was my LFS telling fibs! Also what is the normal diet for these? Are they just algae eaters like the shop said or do they need other foods as well?

Thanks for your help
It looks nothing like 1 & 3 and for some reason it wont link up to number 2 so went to the site its more like the Spotted Hypostomus (Hypostomus punctatus) on that page! Well apart from the dots are a totally different colour as they are a cream sort of colour rather than a darker brown! Just been through the list on that aqua hobby and its not in there it looks more like this one

Which is the Dwarf Ancistros but not 100% sure if it is also not having much luck finding out about it can only access the pics for some reason (not very good at internet)
Almost certainly a common bristlenose, ancistrus sp. They are quite spotty as you have described and grow to around 6" and should be in a tank of 30gallons or more.

However, the problem with plecs is that there are hundreds of very similar species, and alot look almost identical when younger before they have gotten their true markings.

It could be any number of common plecs or ancistrus. But you are almost deffinately guarenteed that they will grow more than 4". Looking at your last post it is actually more likely to be a common bristlenose than one of those. They may appear to have an orange seam on their fins, but this is just new fins growing as they get bigger. You will also find that as their body grows areas will go more orange coloured as the skin stretches, then change very quickly to the mottled brown colour.

How big is your tank? Some people have problems with common plecs sucking the mucus off the side of latterally compressed fish, this includes your silver dollar, so keep a close eye on your new purchases to make sure they don't get a taste for dollar mucus!

So its just a case of biding my time to see what they turn into! I hope they don't get a taste for the silver dollar I would have taken him to the LFS if I had the heart to get rid of him (he's one of my favs) then again my net is too small now to catch it as he seems to have started to grow again since moving him into the smaller tank! Typical really!
Should be fine for now, as i said just keep an eye on them, especially when the silver dollar is more restful at night. Give them a couple of months and if they are well fed on algae, wafers, cucumber etc. they will grow pretty well and then you could get some pictures for us to look at.

I will do! I know one is more dominant than the other as it chases it away but if that carries on I'll just move it to my nursery tank!

Do I need to blanche cucumber or anything as I don't have any luck with my fish accepting it even my silver dollar isnt really interested in it!......

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