*new Pictures* In Need Of A Few Suggestions :)

Meggie :)

Fish Addict
Jun 10, 2011
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Hey everyone!
I have a few tanks that I would like your help on...please be harsh and offer your suggestions and comments! I don't get offended easily ;)

This is my ten gallon tank, 3 balloon mollies (none fully grown)...and 4 amano shrimp. (Sorry I couldn't get my camera to take a good one with the light on...so the ones taken with my good camera are all in the dark...)




5.5 gallon betta tank currently has 5 pygmy cories: (it looks really bad in these picture, but they're the only ones I have for the moment, looks a LOT better in person) again..this is with the lights off



5.5 gallon betta tank


Thank you in advance for any help!
Nice looking tanks. How about a black bankground on each? Gives them that finished look and hides the wires.
The first tank looks a little too "balanced" to me - wood on the left, rock on the right with a gap in the middle, do somethint to offset it somehow?

The second tank is looking quite good really, maybe some more foreground/carpeting plants extending down from the structure that's currently in place?

For tank three, it's very similar to tank two, so why not try and mix it up a little? Also I don't know if the built up sand is doing it for me....it's a really nice start though! Maybe try going from left to right with your scape?

And yeah, put a black background on them, it will make that white sand look fab :)
Thank you all so much! And almostawesome I definately see what you mean...about all of them! On the first tank, I am doing a huge huge clean out today and I will mess with it a bit, see what I can come up with and post a picture and get further advice...if you were to do it how would you position anything? Any other plants you think I should add to it?

On the second tank, I also cleaned it up quite a bit today, moved some of the swords around a bit...taller ones behind the wood, shorter ones on the left where the big piece used to be...I'll try to get a pucture of that and see what you suggest as in more plants, move some, etc....i will also let you know the lighting and ferts I use so maybe that will help with plant selection?

And same on the third, I need a bit of....well a lot of suggestion on that...I have no idea what to do with it...plants, new wood, whatever it takes! :)

And I think I will try to get a black background on them all as soon as I can!

Thank you all for your help!
How about putting the rock and the wood next to each other in the first tank?

The second tank really does look quite nice so just maybe a few more plants and the same goes for tank three just a LOT more plants and what about adding a long/low piece of wood with some plants around it?
Thank you! It's funny because putting the rock and wood together in the ten was actually what I was thinking of trying! Any thoughts on where in the tank to put it? I might try to make a trip to my LFS for a few black backgrounds and some new plants, maybe if I can find any wood...I almost wish I could change the color of the sand in one of the betta tanks as they are right next to each other...

I just finished the two betta tanks (haven't added anything new yet as I haven't been able to go to the store, just did a crazy clean job on them as I have been gone for three weeks)...As soon as I can find my amano shrimp (I think they are inside my wood), I will do my ten gallon as well and post pictures for you to critique :D

Thank you so much for all of your help so far!
Okay so I got some new pictures...please please keep critiquing! Don't be nice on me..you won't hurt my feelings ;)

Okay so here is the first tank...






The second tank...cleaned up a bit, moved plants around just a wee bit...and it has a new betta! (please excuse the toothbrush I was using it to srub my sister's new wood...don't worry I don't use it for my mouth :rolleyes: )





Both tanks together...

And the third tank..Sorry it's a bit cloudy I took these pictures literally 10 minutes after I had finished moving things around.. :look:






I really wish my lfs had more plants to offer...these tanks would look so much better..it's really hard to find a good pet store around here..There was one I used to go to (the entire fish section was bigger than my lfs's entire store)...the employees SERIOUSLY knew what they were talking about..They wouldn't just tell me stuff to sell me things..alot of the times they would even suggest NOT buying it, telling me a cheaper way to go..They had like at least 20 freshwater tanks dedicated to plants...it was amazing..but of course they closed down :grr: ..They were like an hour away from my house though hah. Long fish trips. They had so many fish that I had never seen in any other store..AHHH I MISS THEM...Sooo that's why I have such a sparse variety of plants..I'm on the hunt for a new fish store!

Please critique harshly! And thanks for looking and helping!

Edit: And of course I went to the pet store MOSTLY for the black backgrounds....and OF COURSE I forgot them. :grr:

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