New Pics :)


Fish Herder
Jan 13, 2008
Reaction score
Manchester, England
Here is Splodge, he is beautiful :)

And little Loki - any ideas as to sex now guys? Loki doesn't seem to flare. And Splodge makes big bubblenests now Loki is on the other side of the divider.

My beautiful Baby :p

And mad Neptune!
agreed looks exactly like my beau used too, eggy, female even tho the anal fin was realllllly long lol
wow they are gorgeous!! Especially the first one! I adore double tails! and I agree with the others, Loki def looks like a female!
Noooo! I don't want Loki to be a female! :( I don't know what to do with girlie bettas :S Would she be better off in my community tank, rather than in a divided tank next to a boy?? Community has a pleco, baby kribs and an adult krib, a gouram, some giant danios and some guppies. Are girls OK with guppies? The guppies are only there while I use their tank to quarantine a new gourami and some zebra danios, so I could wait till the guppies are gone to move Loki... what do you think?
Hi, Tibby25731,
what a totally gorgeous collection of fish, you lucky devil!
Loki certainly certainly does look like an egg-laden female.
I am kind of wondering, though, whether she has a little white egg-tube, modestly shielded by elegantly disposed fins, which may not have shown in the picture?
One would expect this to be evident in an egg-laden female, making sexing relatively easy...???
This is probably completely irrelevant, but there has been an increasing problem with the feminization of male fish, apparently in tanks as well as in the wild, due to exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals, artificial hormones, etc.
It probably wouldn't matter in a community tank, unless more females were to be added, if, by any chance, Loki happened to be a feminized male, but as such things have been known to crop up, I just thought I'd mention.
Male or female, what a beauty, though.
And, just when I really need it, I can't seem to access the 'drool' smiley...
Yeah there is a little white tubey bit sticking out by the anal fin. goddamnit! I wanted her to be a boy! So her tail and fins are not likely to grow much now are they?? I might try her in the community, I don't want her getting all egg laden :S it freaks me out!
Those are some awesome bettas tibby. That first guy is soooooooo sick. :good:
Some great looking bettas you have there.
where did you get them from? Around the Manchester area?

Please tell i'm looking for a good fish shop that sells different types of bettas and,
i'm not far from Manchester.
Hmm. Everyone seems in agreement that Loki is a female, but the long ventrals suggest to me that Loki is male. hmm. Either way it's a nice copper betta!

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