New Pics! Tangs, Coral + More In The 110g!


Fish Crazy
Aug 25, 2006
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Check them out! I'm still battling this cyano problem though..i tested phosphates tonight and they are at 1.0 if that..any suggestions? do you think the new tangs will help get rid of it?

Sailfin Tang

Powder Brown Tang


Xenia, Zoos, Frogspawn, Mushrooms, Valida..

Angel, Maroon Clowns, Anemone

Green Mandarin
ive only had him for one day, feed him brine shrimp
your tangs and clowns dont get eat it all before he can get any? did you get yours tank breed cause i thought it was like impossible to get them on frozen foods if you get ones from the ocean.

also do your maroon clowns beat up on your false perc?
Agreed, awesome fish :D. Heres another vote for a watchful eye towards the maroons... They can get shall we say fiesty
Nice looking specimens. I will agree withthe comments made already and add a coupleof my own however...
Please stop the brineshrimp as a sole source of food asap as they are nutritionally very poor. This might be alright for most other fish as they usually graze on other things. A Mandarin however will starve to death on brineshrimp alone. Try adding mysis shrimp to their diet as this is a better form of food.

Whilst the tangs should be ok in your system... (100 imperial gallons minimum which i believe you have) The French angel may well be a problem later on. Not only will it lose those bueatiful colours but they also grow enormous. You might already be aware of this but ifelt i would pass on my observations anyway.

Nice tank and fish though. :good:
so... could i like move in for a couple weeks? just enough time to ship all of your stuff back home, run, and have time to get away before you relize your tank is empty? :lol:

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