New Pics Of Tank


Fish Fanatic
Aug 2, 2007
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had to move tank around in front room so moved the decor and added new what you think???? ABCD0016.JPG
in this pic is one of 6 bumblebee gobys which have been in the tank for a long time now was told that they wouldnt live without salt in the water the discus would eat them they wont eat flake etc etc etc but i started with 6 and months later theres still 6 all looking great very terratorial over there own caves and have even showing signs of pairing up (well to what iv read about them they are) and will eat whatever falls in front of them without even looking at it first they bellys with fins lol sorry about there pic being blury but they are very small fish and hard to get a good pic of but will post better pics once i get them
comments please!!!
those discus look great, you got just the 2 of them?

no there was a small group of 3 who where fine till a few week ago when the other two paired up they just started to bully the smaller one so much iv had to remove it to a smaller tank and gonna have to rehome him :( dont want to as he seems happy on his own but thats all gonna be for how long. theres also 11pearl danios and 3 three striped corys and one bronze in the tank but trying to get a pic of them is very hard they like fish on speed wont stay still long enough to get the pic and the bumblebees its just a matter of getting the pic clearer
aw poor lil guy, its a shame when they do that as they look soo good the more you have, your two are gorgeous :good:
yeah they was so well together so wasnt gonna add anymore (why spoil a good thing) but the other two paired up and it was like ww3 in the tank everytime he was in view they went loopy on him so thought i need to move tank to new place in front room so thought id change the decor that might help it just made them worse so left them for 24hrs and no had to take him out for his own good not gonna risk adding more discus to them to much of a risk the pair are very terratorial even the corys get it of them but luckly they to fast and can stay out of there way
Oh wow you've done an amazing job with the rocks and the plants. I'm going to be setting up a new tank of a simmilar size, and I'll be aiming to get mine looking as good. Are those real rocks? It looks like slate or something. Where did you get them from?
Really nice tank.
Sadly, this is a common problem with Discus. Buy three, and two are likely to pair off and beat the other one. Then the one left on it's own will become very unhappy without any friendly Discus and aventually die. When getting Discus you either buy a breeding pair or obtain a large tank to accommodate 6 individuals.
Not having a go at all, just explaining the situation and so others can avoid it.
Oh wow you've done an amazing job with the rocks and the plants. I'm going to be setting up a new tank of a simmilar size, and I'll be aiming to get mine looking as good. Are those real rocks? It looks like slate or something. Where did you get them from?

the rocks are slate but before they get made into the flat what you see on your roof slate (dont no what the term of doing this is called) but i got them from a local discount store they do things from food to tropical tank set ups and at great prices to and thanks for the great comment.
Really nice tank.
Sadly, this is a common problem with Discus. Buy three, and two are likely to pair off and beat the other one. Then the one left on it's own will become very unhappy without any friendly Discus and aventually die. When getting Discus you either buy a breeding pair or obtain a large tank to accommodate 6 individuals.
Not having a go at all, just explaining the situation and so others can avoid it.

yeah i no all the above as iv kept and breed discus about 10years ago but due to moving had to sell up anyway i got the 3 from the local shop as thats all they had in at the time and they was doing really well together untill they paired up then the problems started so i have been looking for a while to get more to add to them without any luck and even posted a wanted in the for sale part on this site i moved decor around as this normaly settles them down till they get there own space sorted again but worst luck it didnt help so i had to take him out as i cant find anyone near or that will post discus to add to them so thought id remove him to save him i know it aint ideal for him but at the mo hes just getting over the stress of being bullyed and healing up from a few cuts they gave him then il rather re-home him or il buy another two (if this is poss in my area) and then add them and him at the same time and hope for the best but at the mo he needs to stay out of the main tank for his own safety he is happy on his own not eating much flake but frozen he takes from the hand and doesnt even bother when the kids go near him he watches them so for the mo hes happy and getting healthy and thats all that matters for him right now. i would always recomend to anyone rather buy a pair thats has paired up and not just put together and sold or buy 6 adults or if poss young and grow them on and sort out the pairs from there if you wanna breed them.but in the area i live its very hard to get discus unless breeders will send and not alot will (dont blame them on that as i myself wouldnt take the risk) but am looking still if anyone has any?

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