New Pics Of My 105 And 20 Gallon

Mako Man111

Jun 11, 2006
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First, the 105 Gallon: Which has a tiger oscar, common plec, senegal bichir, convict, and firemouth.
It is a driftwood and rock theme, no live or fake plants.

Second, is my low tech planted 20 gallon. It has 6 tiger barbs and 6 peppered corries. I have 1.4 wpg, with one 14 watt 6700k T5 and one 14 watt Full Spectrum T5 giving me 28watts. So far the reds look ok, I'll have to wait and see though.


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You forgot the 20 gallons pics. :)

Woops sorry it hadnt loaded yet!

Great tanks by the way! I see the oscars gotten bigger!
Looks wonderful.. These are some of the only tanks i ever thought looked good without a background :good:

Hope to see moree! :D :D

ps. How big are the oscar, convict and bichir?
Nice tanks, are some of the plants in the 20G fake aswell?


Nope all are real, I need to add some more though.

Discus: It is just a Coralife Aqualight, it has a dual strip ballast, that can take two T5 bulbs, perfect for low tech.
Aaaawww I love tiger barbs :wub: Why can't I keep them in my 15 gallon, whyyy??? :-( (ye ye I know, too small for them heh)

Ehmm...going back on track...

Your red plants will live, but there's a big chance their redness will fade. They'll turn very pale pink. But yeah, they'll live, specially the one with the round(er) leaves (ludwigia???)

I believe they are ludwigia. Very demanding plant I know, I just though I would give them a shot. I dose seachem Florish once a week after a water change, and use seachem root tabs under my vals and amazon swords.
Is that tank from wal-mart? If so,did you buy that stand from there too? And if you did, is it sturdy?

Actually it's from petsmart, but I think its a Perfecto. The stand is fine, and I really have nothing to worry about with it in my basement anyway.
Great tanks, especially the 105 :good:
Likein the rocks in the 105, and the simpleness of it...Very nice.

Those are some very nice setups you have there. I really like the drifwood you have in your 105 gallon. Also the plants in the 20 gallon gallon are setup in a very attractive way. The fist look great by the way. Look very healthie :D
Those are some very nice setups you have there. I really like the drifwood you have in your 105 gallon. Also the plants in the 20 gallon gallon are setup in a very attractive way. The fist look great by the way. Look very healthie :D

Thanks! :)

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