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The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Fish Fanatic
Jun 5, 2005
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awww i just bought my first female betta. You guys aren't kidding when you say keeping these fish is like an obsession. lol. I just thought i'd post a picture:

and heres an updated one on my blue male. lol, i'm not sure what i should name him though...

sorry his is a little bigger. lol,
thank you!!! i love them. they're great. my female has red around the base of all her fins. you can't really tell in any of the pictures i take of her though.
Oh my god!!! :( :-( i went to the store to get my girl a big tank so i can start a female community tank...(a ten gallon tank) and when i got home she's not in her bowl!!! I have NO clue what happened to her. She's not in the floor or on my desk anywhere. i'm not sure what happened to her. :( i just wanna cry now i left her bowl uncovered for 1 hour, and now she's gone. oh man. and normally i keep her bowl covered but i was in such a hurry i guess i forgot.
OMG! Where could she have gone? ???? She's not hidden under anything in the tank? Do you have a filter? Maybe she's behind that?

I hope you find her :-(
No, i just had her in a gallon glass bowl. i keep my new ones in that until i'm sure they're healthy. and then i go and buy bigger ones. I just had her for like 3 or 4 days and i had headed out to buy that 10 gallon. and now she's missing. i mean she's no where to be found. i even had my step dad inhere helping me. i don't know. i know she couldn't have gotten too far because i even checked under my bed and in my drawers of my dest!!!:( i don't kn ow. i did however find a dead spider on my desk.
Is it possible another pet (cat/dog) could have gotten her?
Is it possible another pet (cat/dog) could have gotten her?

You beat me to the punch .. that was going to be my next question.

I know if my cat every spotted bubbles it would only be a matter of time before he figured out how to get the lid off the tank (this is the cat that can open a screen window to let himself out in the middle of the night and also pees in the toilet!!).

DB I am keeping my fingers crossed that you find her safe & sound, altough that is probably unrealistic :(
Yeah, I lost Chichiri (gorgeous marbled blue CT male) to my cat. >.> That was an expensive snack kitty, and a much loved one. She managed to get the -hood- (which clips down) off and mangled both of my ADFs, and ate my betta-boi... :byebye:
nope, all our dogs are outside dogs and they stay in a section of our fenced in yard. the only thing i'm thinking is maybe one of my parents got home before i did and saw her and they're just not telling me that they found her. but i don't really think they'd do that. i mean i'm competely clueless. i can't think of what could have happened.
I read somewhere the other day another member found their fish in a completely different room after they disappeared(I think it was another room, but maybe it was just far away). I am sorry you can't find her, but I would suggest looking farther than just around where the tank is. I had a goldfish jump out of his tank, I found him about 20 feet away, he was still flopping, so back into the tank he went.

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