New Older Tank


Gun Toting Lunatic
Sep 30, 2003
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I have recently become the owner of a 55 gal. tank, fish and all, which my dad couldn't take with him when he moved. When we moved it 3 months ago, we kept the gravel in one 5 gal bucket, and the fish in another 5 gal. bucket with the water from the tank. We kept the gravel and filter elements wet, and had the tank down for about 2-3 hours.

This tank came with 3 plecs, a 10", a 8", and a 6", some sort of waterfall filter that is about 6" wide, a few plants and rocks, and no heater.

After filling it and letting the dechlorination drops work for about 20 minutes I tossed the fish in, and they have been fine. Immediately went out and got a heater, along with a ph kit and let it be for a few weeks.

When all seemed to be doing well, my wife and I went out and got 3 platys. This was just great, until my son was watching the fish a month later, and thought he was seeing things.

Yup, baby fish!

So here is where the newbie questions start.

1.) From looking up plecs online, it seems to me that they will grow to twice the size they are now. Are they too big for the tank already, and can I compensate for that by increasing filtration and water changes/general tank cleanliness?

2.) there are 5 baby platys, 3 in the 55 gal tank, and 2 that we put in a 10 gal. tank that has had a 3" plec in it for ever. The 3 in the larger tank seem larger than the 2 in the 10 gal. tank. Why?

3.) I just counted 8 more tiny fish yesterday, probably platys again. Should I leave them in the 55 gal, or put them in the 10 gal. and compensate for them being so small through diet, water temp, etc?

4.) At this rate I should have about 200 platys come spring!! What am I gonna do?!?

5.) Any ideas how to make water changes any easier with this 55 gal tank? 10 gal. has been real easy, just siphon a few gallons out, and pour a few in. 5 gal. buckets get heavy, but I let them sit out overnight to let the chlorine evaporate out then pour them in. Is this o.k. or not?

Any answers would greatly appreciated, at this point I am really winging it!!

You got your hands full for a newbie.

Theres a theory that fish will grow to a size accoring to their enviroment....this seem to be the case with your pleccy's. They are really easy to keep and docile so if they look ok and not falling over each other leave well alone. If not I would look at giving/selling one or 2 of them as it would be unfair on the fishes.
If your babies are doing fine then leave well alone. Again I would advertise to sell them or give them away as otherwise you will be "chasing your tail" keeping up with them. The fact that they are breeding shows your tank enviroment is ok so well done to you.
Personnally I water change after syphoning/cleaning the gravel as you lose water in the tank due to the process.....leaving water to stand will help remove the chlorine if the water is circulating (give it a stir occasionally) thing to watch though is that foriegn matter doesn't contaminate this water before you put it in....I'd also slightly warm it to an equal tempreture so its no so much of a shock...

good luck you seem to be doing well.....
Theres a theory that fish will grow to a size accoring to their enviroment....this seem to be the case with your pleccy's.

With good water quality and good food, that theory quickly proves to be a myth. Fish do slow down as they get older but those plecos still have the potential to grow into monsters.

More importantly, I really don't think we should be reinforcing this myth - it leads to a lot of major problems, like two oscars in a 3 ft tank etc.
Thats why I said it was a theory....not mine I must add....I have 2 plecs that are 6inch long....expect them to grow to about 10in

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