New Occupants !


Fish Fanatic
Sep 14, 2011
Reaction score
Reidsville, NC, USA
I just added a Rainbow shark to my aquarium and he/she is doing very good,
however, im confused. What do rainbow sharks eat? I just fed him for the first time today and i fed all the fish Brine Shrimp (frozen) and some general flake food. The shark didnt seem to eat any of that? So im wondering what do they eat? and also i noticed that the shark has a mouth similar to that of a normal algae eater (Siamese) and am wondering if they help keep the tank clean as does the algae eater.
thanks for any help!
I just added a Rainbow shark to my aquarium and he/she is doing very good,
however, im confused. What do rainbow sharks eat? I just fed him for the first time today and i fed all the fish Brine Shrimp (frozen) and some general flake food. The shark didnt seem to eat any of that? So im wondering what do they eat? and also i noticed that the shark has a mouth similar to that of a normal algae eater (Siamese) and am wondering if they help keep the tank clean as does the algae eater.
thanks for any help!

This is what I found:

The Rainbowshark feeds on algae, zooplankton and phytoplankton.

You could feed him sinking pellets/tablets including those with vegetable (algae, spirulina) as well as fish/shrimp, frozen bloodworms, daphnia, artemia, and vegetable matter such as blanched spinach, shelled peas, he might eat zucchini and chopped fruit.

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