New Neon Tetra Owner


New Member
Dec 9, 2008
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Somewhere in the U.S.
Hi I recently just bought a group of neon tetras. They're fine some far, but I have a question. What are normal neon tetras behavior?
I noticed that they like to swim in group and one of they like to dash around the tank, as if he is trying to get out. Are these behaviors normal?
Hi I recently just bought a group of neon tetras. They're fine some far, but I have a question. What are normal neon tetras behavior?
I noticed that they like to swim in group and one of they like to dash around the tank, as if he is trying to get out. Are these behaviors normal?

The swimming together is called shoaling and is perfectly normal behaviour for neon's as for the individual darting around the tank Im afraid I cant help you, all I would say is in the short time of keeping and studying fish you have to realise that its not always black and white ! One should be prepared for something out of the normal from time to time, If he is darting around and eating okay shows no evidence of injury then I would not be worried. Just keep an eye out for the little guy :good: heck thats why we all keep these tanks and fish so we can aimlessley sit and watch fish for hours amazed at there antics :rolleyes:

A simple search on google using the words neon tetra behaviour brings up a wealth of knowledge of course one thread cannot be taken as gospel but when you read 2 or 3 all talking from the same song sheet then you know your on the write track :good:

Also it is worth checking the Fish species index that this and other sites have they are always written by people who have kept the fish and have considerable knowledge and experience of the species.
Well, I have noticed, whenever I buy new fish, they always seem to be trying to get out by swimming through glass :lol: but, after awhile, they calm down. I think its because they are just in shock from being moved.
Ditto. I find my new additions either hide for a day or 2 or just go nuts and try you swim through the glass. They tend to do the thing where they just go up and down nudging the glass for ages! but they soon reaslise the invisible wall is there to stay and wander off.
I had that problem also. After a day or two, they should shoal just fine with the school.

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