New Nano


Marine Moderator
Jun 11, 2004
Reaction score
Well after seeing everyone take the plunge and dive into the deep end of marines with nano tanks i guess it was just a matter of time before I weakened and took the plunge also. Actually the story is very different to be honest...

I have been pestering the wife for months to start a nano but she was very stubborn and refused point blank to let me have one :(
This weekend however we were at my lfs and we saw a pair of tiny african clowns/Clarkii. They were swimming happily in a very vice Heliofungia LPS. Unfortunately a gentleman customer at the shop decided to purchase this coral and left the poor little clowns swimming with no home :/ Well the wife could not resist and i was told that we had to save these poor clowns from being homeless! :blink:
So the wife took the lead and purchased her own nano tank. Err of course she is a good student of mine and has obviously paid attention to my teachins beacuse she got thje tank and the fish... no salt... no liverock!
So home we go as she was now skint! no problem she says, we can have a few lumps of rock from your tank! :sly: so out it came.. liverock... sand... water! :grr:
Now my tank is 10 gallons shallower, 2 cupfulls of sand lighter and about 7kg of liverock missing!

OK so tha tank does look nice and its easy to replace the stuff in my larger tank so iguess the whole experience was a goodun. The new clowns and peppermints shrimp (plus some of my cleaning crew!) are doing well.

Here are a few photos.. the clowns here are not actually shown as the corect size as the glass magiyies them.. they look small in the photos but they are about half this size! (just compare them to the green zoos nearby)







Excuse the aiptasia... hopefully Mr Peppermint will do the trick and get rid of this. :*)
I looooooooooooooooove those clowns :wub:

Looking good so far :D

*pretends not to be jealous at all*
Hi Navarre

Is that a bi-orb?

i think it looks great! Thanks for being an adviocate of nano tanks at last! io think that most people who post look forward to your advise in thier posts so i'm over the moon that you have started a nano tank here's to many more posts about your nano!!!! :) :)

i am a little bit drunk at the mo so if speelinh doesnt't make sence you know why!!!!

Navarre..aiptasia AND bubble algae. LOLOL. Welcome aboard we all stand in fast company. The tank looks I would have expected. Welcome your wife aboard as well. honest....whose gonna be doin' the maintenance on that thing? LOL SH
Thanks for the kind words everyone,
Yeah the bubble algae is a pain though i must admit i have done nothing to slow its growth to be honest. I do need to get a few mithrax crabs in the coming wrrks for both tanks. but i always tend to get sidetracked!

And as for maintenance... well i have been told its "her" tank and i am to keep my hands out of it! So for now i will have to take a back seat and let her play with her new toy.. of course we shall see just how much input i have when the tank suffers its first problems and she doesnt know what to do :whistle:

Seriously though, i will give her all the support she needs. and hopefully the tank will improve even more :nod:
hehehehehe, ahh the joys of having a significant other! lol! Spewin about the loss of your stuff! But that gives u an excuse to buy more at your upcoming meeting! :p

Nice nano though! Are they clarkii? Or another spp? I thought clarkii grew quite large? You may have to place them in your larger SW setup once they grow larger.
Wow nice job! That is one superior looking piece of live rock. Don't worry over the aptaisia I think it looks great. I had one that never reproduced at all.
Hi everyone,
Shell, no its not a bio orb. The bio orbs are smaller and dont come with their own internal filter and power compact lights.
Yeah they are clarkii clowns and they are gonna get larger.. but this is when i am longing to hear "her" say.. "hunny, i think i need a larger tank" Oh how sweet that will sound!
As for the aiptasia, well i hve 4 in the nano, 2 large ones and a couple of smaller ones. I hope the peppermint will do its job but at the moment i am happy if it simply doesnt grow to any more.

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