New Nano -- Stocking


Crazy Crab Lady
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Jul 23, 2004
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Northeastern USA
I have embarked on setting up a 12 gallon nanno. I was aiming for a 20 gallon or larger before, but in the end, issues of structural soundness and space ruled that out. Anyway, my boyfriend found a Dr. Fosters & Smith catalogue and is excited about the prospects of some kind of fish in the tank :S But I will not succumb to "I want a nemo!" syndrome, since my original plan was no fish. One fish might not be so bad as long as it's ok for the fish and any inverts in the tank. These are some of the fish he was wondering about:

- firefish
- true percula
- green or red/black clown gobies

And inverts, which would be instead of a fish, not in addition to one
- coral banded shrimp (bf has been bugging me for 3 years wanting one)
- pistol shrimp

For the coral banded, I've read conflicting info on them. If one was to go in the tank there would be no fish or other shrimp. There wouldn't be corals or anything either. My main concern with the coral banded is that since they are known to snip open corals/nems, it could leave snails open to attack that don't have a tight-sealing operculum. On the other hand, I havn't actually read anything about coral banded shrimp attacking snails. :/

Normally I wouldn't post before I think I'm finished with research, but I'd like to know if any of those things I listed should be ruled out without further consideration (like the coral banded shrimp). Also it'll be quite a while before any possibilities listed would get put in the tank...I won't be rushing. I'd just like to get a better idea where I should concentrate my research.
The coral banded (boxing) shrimp is a big :no: in a tank that size. It will grow huge and will predate on any other small inverts and fish.

If you're looking for a pistol shrimp get a Bullseye Pistol as these are more solitary and you will see it more (other pistol only come out really when paired with a goby)
The coral banded (boxing) shrimp is a big :no: in a tank that size.

Great! I's too bad :lol: Strike one off the list. Maybe I can still keep it invert only by going the pistol shrimp rout.
You can have a CBS as a species tank, but, as Aquascaper says, be prepared to periocially replace your cleanup crew and/or any fish you put in. They are nano no-no's.....they'll eat your fish while they sleep. Don't underestimate those pincers. Besides, a skunk cleaner has so much more personality. SH
You can have a CBS as a species tank, but, as Aquascaper says, be prepared to periocially replace your cleanup crew and/or any fish you put in. They are nano no-no's.....they'll eat your fish while they sleep. Don't underestimate those pincers. Besides, a skunk cleaner has so much more personality. SH
Do skunk cleaners need to be in with fish? I've read they will eat frozen/dried food, but I can't find anything saying whether they are ok without something to clean.

I was also thinking about a true perc after reading about them. The possibility of getting something bred in captivity is appealing to me, though I'm still not sure about the size issue. Plus a shrimp would be less bioload. I just read that firefish like to jump so I guess that's another off the list since I doubt I'll be able to close up all the gaps.

I just put the first piece of LR in today...gotta say its nice to start from the ground up instead of doing it backwards like I did the first time.
Still looking at options...someone suggested 2 firefish (looks like my lid will be tightly sealed enough), since they prefer to be in groups and are more active if more than one is in a tank. Too much fish for a 12g?

I'm still looking into shrimp too. Doesn't look like I'll be able to get a hold of a pistol shrimp though unless I special order one.
Skunk cleaner will be fine, I have one in my 15G tank. It eats pretty much any food i put in there for it, whether its frozen food or even tetra prima granular food.

2 firefish would work fine in a 12G, or a pair of clowns (and no other fish) could possibly work.


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