new molly fry


New Member
Apr 26, 2004
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I just bought some mollies monday. and one of the fish gave birth today(wednesday). I have separated out the fry that are alive into their own small tank. There are three still alive. I want to know how to take care of them raise them and feed them.
can ne one help me i want to keep these fyr and reintroduce them into the bigger tank when they're older. Can ne one at least tell me a way to feed them.
do they have thier egg sacs.if not then feed them crushed flake or baby brine shrimp.if they do have thier egg sacs then dont feed them yet.wait a few days
Hello. I'm not an expert, in fact i'm kind of a beginner but i'm asking questions on here 24/7 and I'm researching on the net all the time.

everyone says to feed them infusoria. It's a food especially for fry. and brine shrimp or crushed flake (crushed into fine powder). I think that they need feally clean water. But no heavy filters or they get sucked away. You can look on the net.
I just bought one molly which i'm thinking is pregnant, I've not had them before, but i'm looking forward to babies :p
anyway, hope that helps. :D
hello. me again. I just found this info. hope it helps

Now you've got the fry leave them in the net breeder or their own aquarium, feed them little and often - 3 times a day for maximum growth- with finely crushed flake food (as fine as you can crush it, use your fingers and rub them together really grinding it up very finely because any large bits will remain uneaten and will rot polluting your tank). When your baby fish have grown to about one inch which will take between two and four months you can release them back into the aquarium with their parents or this is also the size when fish stores will be willing to buy livebearer fry off you. Growth will vary on quality of food and also of tank temperature, 79 degrees fahrenheit is about the maximum recommended and at this temperature the fry will grow faster than at a lower temperature. Not recommended if you have other fish in the tank though and step up the temperature increase slowly.
I want to thank both of you (balloon molly, & sushi) for your info it is very helpful to me. :fish:
by the way another molly just had more fry today. there are 13 of them alive. :)
:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
Mollies are one of the easier livebearers to look after in terms of the threat from their parents. They will eat crushed flake food and should get some added greens. Even spirulina flake will really help them out. They do best in harder water and if the temporary home you have them in is not a cycled tank, they will need lots of partial water changes. If all that you have in the main tank is mollies, the fry can be returned to live with the parents after 2 to 3 weeks of good food and lots of water changes. If there are other fish in that main tank, it may take longer before the fry are safe in there.

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