New Mollies-What gender?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 21, 2003
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I recently bought 4 mollies for my ten gallon tank. I am some what new to taking care of fish but i am learning fast. The day after i bought the fish, one of them had babies. 6 of the 10 survived and are in a separate tank for now. The main thing that i want to know is what gender my 4 fish are. I also want to know if any of them are still pregnant. Keep in mind that these are potbelly mollies and are generally plump all the time.

These are my two white fish.

These are my two black ones.

I read about their reproductive part (the big word i dont' want to look up) and i couldn't really tell if they had really small parts or if they were all females.. If the pictures are too blury to tell i can try and get some better ones.
Male Mollies have a modified fin called a gonopodium, the females have a normal unmodified fin. I don't have pictures that show the difference between the fin of the Male Molly and the fin of the Female Molly.

But Swordtails are closely related to Mollies, and I do have pictures showing the difference between the fin on Male and Female Swordtails.
click here
Yeah i knew about the male part, but wasn't sure about how long it was. After lookin around for a while i'm pretty sure all four are females. I wasn't really thinking when i was at PetSmart (should have asked for a male and 3 females). I guess i'll have to wait till my fry get bigger. Is there any way to tell their gender early on, or will i have to wait until they are more developed? I'm sure one will be a male. And could you guys see if any of them are still pregnant?

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