New Micro Crab?


Always Watching
Aug 29, 2005
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Hudson, Wisconsin USA
Limnopilos naiyanetri or the Thai micro crab has appeared on a exporters list from Germany(glasser aquarium i think). Anyone ever heard of this crab? I can find only very little info on it- fully aquatic, freshwater, about the size of a cherry shrimp, and has "behavior like a Neocaridinia shrimp".
Did some looking around, here's what I found:

What they look like.


Described in 1991, Limnopilos naiyanetri Chaung & Ng, has only just been discovered by the hobby. Crabs are found in pure freshwater in the roots of floating vegetation, ie. water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes) and fine-leaved aquatic plants along the riparian zone (river banks). They have hairy bodies and appendages which collect mud and dirt and may function to trap food particles. They are not carnivorous, and behave like Caridina shrimps in their scavenging behaviors, where care and feeding are probably the same.

They seem to be able to be bred in aquaria. Also seem to be safe with shrimp.

No idea how accurate that is, but it's what I found. Hope it helps. :D
These are still quite new to the hobby, I've only first heard about them a couple of months ago. From the little I know, they're freshwater, fully aquatic, peaceful, and hangs around in plants. I believe some people in Europe have breeded them in captivity, though I don't know the exact details.
Well they should be coming into Anubais design. They made the order list, so they should be coming in. $7.00 each. If anyone is interested, click on the "join yahoo group "link on his web page. The site hasn't been touched in months, but the yahoo group is really active. I'll post link here You can get his e-mail from there, Read the recent discussions, and if anyone is interested in the full german list it would be in the file section. The Glasser list is always interesting to look over IMO.

I am really interested in this crab. They look cool. I might have to get some...... I need to think about it though.
Limnopilos naiyanetri or the Thai micro crab has appeared on a exporters list from Germany(glasser aquarium i think). Anyone ever heard of this crab? I can find only very little info on it- fully aquatic, freshwater, about the size of a cherry shrimp, and has "behavior like a Neocaridinia shrimp".

Been trying to imagine what I wouldn't be prepared to do in order to get my hands on some of those – can't think of anything yet..! :blush:
They've got this crab on aquabid. Have somebody order something from aquabid? I want this crab!

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