new marine tank


Fish Fanatic
Sep 27, 2004
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Northeast U.S.
i just set up my nano 5.5 gallon yesterday. im using a corner filter, a power sweep powerhead. instant ocean salt, reef buffer, 2 14 watt ge aquarays lights, 50 watt heater, and a minnow that i cought at a marina near my house to cycle the tank. how does it sound and how long should i wait before i add live rock?thanx :D
A minnow? :/

Please take the minnow out asap, the salt water will kill it - very harshly too. Return the minnow and you can add the liverock instantly. If the liverock is cured, it will take care of the cycle for you.

What are your plans with this tank?
Boom rock is what you should be using to cycle your tank. The live rock is the main biologic filter in your tank, so , cycling without LR is not helpful. It can't be emphasized how big an 'innovation' it was when live rock became the central source of filtration in a marine tanks years ago. I would put some in if you can afford can be as low as $3.99/lb. SH
no the minnow is a saltwater minnow that i cought on the long island sound. and do you know where to get the live rock that cheap but only 5 pounds :D its going to be a nano tank with lr and corals and inverts parker. :D
Good deal, just making sure you weren't looking to put fish in there :)

As for the LR, my lfs has it for $6-$7 a lb...
cool ill go to this saltwater place near me and ill check it out. maybe i could get my clean up crew there in the future.thanx :D
If you put live rock in your tank will cycle and that will probably kill your minnow, you should cycle with live rock first and then add fish.

Also if you live near the sea you could always use seawater instead of paying for salt, be carefull your not in a polluted zone but personal i would chose natural seawater by artificial stuff everytime

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