New Marine Tank


New Member
Oct 19, 2005
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Epsom, Surrey, UK
Am almost at the end of an 8 week tank cycle from new. Tank is 180 litre with the following : Eheim Pro 2 exteranl filter, UV lamp, in-line heater, Deltec internal skimmer, lighting.

The temperature reading on the thermometer thats stuck to the inside of the front of the tank has been reading as high as 32 degrees C. I live in London and recently we have had a hot spell that has my tank running a bit too warm I think. The heater is plumbed in, but set at 26 derees C, but has not come on much at all as the water is so warm.

The tank is not in direct sun. Is there any way to cool the water without adding further expensive kit. RO water ICE cubes?

one thing you can do to cool it that is not as expensive as a chiller, is to set up a fan or two to blow on the tank and to blow accross the top of the tank. This will increase evaporation and cool the tank down. that process works well. However, if you dont want your lid up because of a fish that might jump, you can blow a fan or two directed at the tank and this helps too. It dropped the temp on my nano cube by as much as 3 degrees last summer. So those are relativly in-expensive options.
one thing you can do to cool it that is not as expensive as a chiller, is to set up a fan or two to blow on the tank and to blow accross the top of the tank. This will increase evaporation and cool the tank down. that process works well. However, if you dont want your lid up because of a fish that might jump, you can blow a fan or two directed at the tank and this helps too. It dropped the temp on my nano cube by as much as 3 degrees last summer. So those are relativly in-expensive options.

Yeah fans are cool :fun: - pop down to B+Q or Comet and grab a clip on fan for around £7.99 - clips onto a hood hatch or your glass and works a treat! Beauty of these is there are swivel / angle points so you can clip it on in many ways and angle it - works nice blowing across the tank and onto the sofa in these hot nights!

Keeps my 40gal tank temp. in check - although the amount of FW RO top ups increase a lot :good:
Yeah, there just isnt enough thermal mass in ice to do the trick when you start adding up the numbers. What you really want to do is get a couple fans. BUT, I'd be concerned how you got up to 32!!!. Thats HOT. I'd start by unplugging your heater completely. Then I'd raise your lighting fixture above the top if its not allready that way. Finally, make sure no powerheads are clogged or malfunctioning, as they can dump heat if they are
Since the temperature around here is hitting 30+ right now, it is of no great surprise that the tank is hitting a similar temp. Especially with the heat of powerheads and lights etc.
My tank runs a few degrees hotter than the room temp so it can get up to 83.5 some days... :/

I just add a fan at the end of my bed and it brings it back down to a steady 81.5 :good:

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