New Marine Tank, Sand Is Changing Colour?


New Member
Jul 27, 2004
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I've finaly got my marnine tank up and running, got 2 clown fish, 40kg of ocean rock and i've recently added 2 live rocks.

All was going fine until I noticed the sand and the ocean rocks have changed colour, (best way to describe it looks like rust) I think it must be from the live rock, is this ok?, should the sand change and the ocean rock.? if it's bad what can I do to stop the spread of it.

Any help would be great.

As far as i know it happens in all start up tanks its called Diatoms, I got it when i started it usually blooms then dies off. My turbo snails used to eat it.
As far as i know it happens in all start up tanks its called Diatoms, I got it when i started it usually blooms then dies off. My turbo snails used to eat it.

Thanks, thankyou so much, I took the name you gave Diatoms and seached it on this site and have read other posts, I think your right :)
Thanks once again.
I'd actually have to disagree with the diatoms diagnosis. USUALLY with newer tanks the "rust" looking stuff is cyanobacteria. This thread might be where you want to look. It could be diatoms, but usually cyanobacteria pops up first :good:
I thought cyanobacteria was the red slime? :look:

It is, but it is often "rust" colored ;). Usually the nuisance algae progression in new tanks is Diatoms->Cyanobacteria->Hair Algae (Byropsis)->Diatoms. Even some of the best cared for tanks can be succeptible to these nuisance algaes. The other reason I suggested cyano over diatoms is that diatoms usually adopt a more green-brown as opposed to red-brown rust color :)
hi me again so how would i be able to get rid of either one of these problems. :(
i have tested my nitrite and my nitrate and my anmonia and all tests have came up fine :) sorry to ask for your help but i feel a bit lost at the moment.
also i was going to buy another addtion for my tank tomorrow do you think this will be ok or would you advise aganist this.
many thanks
Well, all the solutions to the cyano problem are the same for diatoms in the link that I posted. In my experience, a ceramic phosphate removing media and time helped me counter cyano.

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