New Marine Tank Help!


New Member
Jul 16, 2009
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hi everyone. i have just purchased a 530 litre tank for use as a marine tank. it just came with a tank and stand. What i really need to know is to keep it as a natural tank with live rock how much would i need of live rock & live sand. also would i need a certain heater, pump, protein skimmer and how many powerheads for that size of tank as it is quite large. i would really appreciate it if there any pro's out there who may be able to help me.... thankyou.. kelly
hi kelly welcome to TFF and the salty side

are you going to run a sump as you would be best to for a tank that size

dont buy live sand its a waist of money just get crushed coral sand or Aragonite sand

yous reef bones and live rock

2x 300w (not to sure dobble check ) can some one correct me if that is the write size of heater for her tank thanks

regards scott
:hi: kelly

Firstly could we know a little about the type of set up you are looking for??

Fish only, FOWLR, Full Reef, If full reef what type of corals do you wish to keep?? SPS, LPS or just Softies.

An idea of the types of fish you would like to keep or even inverts as this can affect choices you make in your set-up, in a tank that size, a mistake with equipment is going to be costly. I know, I am myself about to set a tank up of that kind of size along with sump.

Check out Live Aquaria for fish choices, they have a reasoable cross section of fish to help you out.
Scott I think I would go with what you said. 2x 300w sounds right, the guideline is 1w per litre. I would always use two of the same wattage and set one just below the temp of the other. Replace the one that is coming on more first, you always have a back up then if the first fails.

I read that somewhere on here, may have been Skifletch.
That sounds like something I would say TI :D

I'd agree completely on the heater topic. 2x300watt, one set slightly higher than the other and replace them in that cascading fashion every say 3 years. Last thing you want is to cook a tank with a bad heater.

As for your other questions kelly, I'll second TI again, need to know things like full reef, FOWLR, livestock choices basically before we can reccomend hardware :)
:hi: Kelly

You will need about 60 k of lr for your tank and approx 50/60 lbs of sand - the sand will depend on how deep a sand bed you are after. i only have a shallow sand bed and used 40 lbs in my 400

heaters - yes as everyone has said 2 x 300 - many of us have the renas

what sort of skimmer are you going to buy - I have a mce 600, an excellent skimmer and big enough for your tank

I don't have a sump, it is not essential but many will say advisable

Is this your first salty tank?

What are your plans?

Seffie x


ps and remember, the only stupid question is the one not asked - welcome to the mad house!

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