New Member
So I've recently made a change to a Saltwater setup and was looking for an opinion or two.
My tank is 240l (taller than wide) with 2 koralia 2s, a tetratec 1200 running through a vecton v2 400 UV unit. In the canister is just a single thin particulate filter sponge with some small live rock pieces.No livestock or skimmer as yet. SG is 1.023 at 25.5 C and pH seems to be a little high (between 8.4 and 8.8). That's about as accurate as it gets with my test kit.
I had airstones running from the start until 2 days ago when I heard they were a bad idea. I thought they would help dechlorinate the tap water I used to fill the tank. (I've since got an RO unit)
I've used some tufa and ocean rock as base rock and about an inch or two of crushed coral sand. I've added a total of about 13kg of live rock so far and over about a week and a half, tested low levels (0.25-0.5) of Ammonia and Nitrite which have yesterday tested as 0. Nitrate levels are low.
Lights have been on 24x7 for the last week or so and there's now a brown algae covering on the outer rocks and the beginnings of hair algae can be seen on some pieces so the signs are there that cycling has completed and it's time for a small water change
I was expecting to see higher nitrite levels before returning to zero.. Is it normal to see low levels returning to zero in a short period and can I expect to have adequate bacterial load at this stage to add a fish and some cleaner crew?
I want to be careful about the next stage so appreciate any suggestions or dos and don'ts
cheers for any thoughts
My tank is 240l (taller than wide) with 2 koralia 2s, a tetratec 1200 running through a vecton v2 400 UV unit. In the canister is just a single thin particulate filter sponge with some small live rock pieces.No livestock or skimmer as yet. SG is 1.023 at 25.5 C and pH seems to be a little high (between 8.4 and 8.8). That's about as accurate as it gets with my test kit.
I had airstones running from the start until 2 days ago when I heard they were a bad idea. I thought they would help dechlorinate the tap water I used to fill the tank. (I've since got an RO unit)
I've used some tufa and ocean rock as base rock and about an inch or two of crushed coral sand. I've added a total of about 13kg of live rock so far and over about a week and a half, tested low levels (0.25-0.5) of Ammonia and Nitrite which have yesterday tested as 0. Nitrate levels are low.
Lights have been on 24x7 for the last week or so and there's now a brown algae covering on the outer rocks and the beginnings of hair algae can be seen on some pieces so the signs are there that cycling has completed and it's time for a small water change
I was expecting to see higher nitrite levels before returning to zero.. Is it normal to see low levels returning to zero in a short period and can I expect to have adequate bacterial load at this stage to add a fish and some cleaner crew?
I want to be careful about the next stage so appreciate any suggestions or dos and don'ts
cheers for any thoughts