New Member
Well its imcome tax time so i am adding a new salt water set up to my house . I was thinking of a 88 gal predrilled for a tide pool fillter not sure on skimmer was thinking about seaclone what would you suggest . Was thinking about 45 lb. of fiji and 35 lb. lalo live rock and a good sand. The tank mates will be 2 false clowns (god i love them) 1powter blue tang 1 blue tag 1yellow tang 1 orange goby 1 tiger pistol shrimp 1 skunk cleaner shrimp 1fire shrimp 25 or 30 snails and hermit crabs and 1 red star oh yeah 1 or 2 green tube anemate for the clowns i know i spelled that wrong ) later when it is esabished its self i will add metal hyilides and floresent tubes and put in some corals mushrooms brains (red and green) dusters and some lps not sure witch one yet. So what do you think do you think all the fish will get along with each other i have never had a goby and a pistol shrimp i hope they get together and help each other out well any feed back would be great thanks for reading 8)