Every time I go to the various LFS around here I'm always struck by the beautiful marine tanks(not literally) cunningly placed where I have to walk past and look at them! Their evil plan to make me want a marine tank has worked and now they're rubbing their hands together in anticipation of prising even more of my precious cash from my pocket(still me and the missus can live on beans and toast ,its very good for you ,honest )
Anyhow after a bit of fish relocation between my tanks, getting rid of pesky fat plant destroying gold barbs and a lonely molly I was left with an empty juwel rio125 to change to marine!!!!
I just need a bit of advice on whether the stuff I've gathered is ok and where I can go with what I've got. I've read a fair bit on here(the 'so you want to start a marine tank' section ), other bits and bobs on elsewhere on the internet and I even looked for a book at the LFS but they all seem to have been published in 1827 and dont mention live rock and things.
So far I've cleaned the tank out to a spotless condition, took out the sponges from the corner filter and stuffed it full of filter floss for mechanical filtration with the original power head(600 l/h) and left the heater in there too ,put about an inch and a half of coral sand in , 2 additional power heads for circulation(one 500l/h the other 950 l/h), changed the freshwater tubes to one t8 24" arcadia marine white and one t8 24" arcadia marine blue actnic(is this enough light?) and fitted a second hand Deltec mce 600 protien skimmer(a bit large for this tank maybe?).
I've filled it with RO water from LFS and made the salt up to 1.022 on the hydrometer(salty enough? The LFS guys were a bit vague on this). Its been running for a couple of days with all the power heads going and is nicely up to 25 degrees C with every thing working fine.
If all of the above is o.k would it be alright to get live rock tomorrow? If so how much and do I need to get all of it at once or can it be added at say 10 kgs a time?
Also I'm a bit confused about stocking it(eventually,don't worry I'm not putting anything but LR in at the moment) and don't really trust the LFS's advice on this(the more I buy the more money they get! stock that is not LR).What I would Like to end up with is a tank with small fish such as a pair of clowns maybe a couple more fish if possible, shrimps,hermit crabs,snails and most importantly some soft corals(the main reason I'm doing this!) Does this sound feasible in this tank?
Advice would be greatly appreiciated and sorry for such a long post!
thanks Johnny
Anyhow after a bit of fish relocation between my tanks, getting rid of pesky fat plant destroying gold barbs and a lonely molly I was left with an empty juwel rio125 to change to marine!!!!
I just need a bit of advice on whether the stuff I've gathered is ok and where I can go with what I've got. I've read a fair bit on here(the 'so you want to start a marine tank' section ), other bits and bobs on elsewhere on the internet and I even looked for a book at the LFS but they all seem to have been published in 1827 and dont mention live rock and things.
So far I've cleaned the tank out to a spotless condition, took out the sponges from the corner filter and stuffed it full of filter floss for mechanical filtration with the original power head(600 l/h) and left the heater in there too ,put about an inch and a half of coral sand in , 2 additional power heads for circulation(one 500l/h the other 950 l/h), changed the freshwater tubes to one t8 24" arcadia marine white and one t8 24" arcadia marine blue actnic(is this enough light?) and fitted a second hand Deltec mce 600 protien skimmer(a bit large for this tank maybe?).
I've filled it with RO water from LFS and made the salt up to 1.022 on the hydrometer(salty enough? The LFS guys were a bit vague on this). Its been running for a couple of days with all the power heads going and is nicely up to 25 degrees C with every thing working fine.
If all of the above is o.k would it be alright to get live rock tomorrow? If so how much and do I need to get all of it at once or can it be added at say 10 kgs a time?
Also I'm a bit confused about stocking it(eventually,don't worry I'm not putting anything but LR in at the moment) and don't really trust the LFS's advice on this(the more I buy the more money they get! stock that is not LR).What I would Like to end up with is a tank with small fish such as a pair of clowns maybe a couple more fish if possible, shrimps,hermit crabs,snails and most importantly some soft corals(the main reason I'm doing this!) Does this sound feasible in this tank?
Advice would be greatly appreiciated and sorry for such a long post!
thanks Johnny