well I went to our new lps yesterday. they opened the start of the month but I decided to wait a while so they could sort the shop out a bit.
They have the best fishroom I've seen in a PS for YEARS. It's huge - at least 100 tanks in there. And they have fish in there I haven't seen in any of the places here (like female bettas, I've been looking for those for aaaaages) and they have written on the tanks how big the fish get, temperature they need, aggresiveness etc and have some fully grown specimins on display (adult angels, clown loaches etc) so people can see how big they get. They only sell tanks 20gallons or more and give out factsheets when people buy fish
They have the best fishroom I've seen in a PS for YEARS. It's huge - at least 100 tanks in there. And they have fish in there I haven't seen in any of the places here (like female bettas, I've been looking for those for aaaaages) and they have written on the tanks how big the fish get, temperature they need, aggresiveness etc and have some fully grown specimins on display (adult angels, clown loaches etc) so people can see how big they get. They only sell tanks 20gallons or more and give out factsheets when people buy fish