New look


New Member
Oct 9, 2003
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Albuquerque, NM USA
any opinions? I rearranged recently...


That looks nice. I like it.

Are all those fish in the same tank? If so, those africans don't eat the guppies?

How does the lombordoi act in that tank? Is he aggro to the tb's and other fish?
Thanks :fun:

No, they arent all in the 29 gal. I divided my 29 gal and 10 gal guys into two different colors in my signature. (ill add the tank size to it)

Strangely the lombordoi is a mental case :thumbs: she swims in vertical circles against the glass on the right side of the tank. She is probably my least aggressive cichlid...and no she doesnt bother the tiger barbs
I figured the 2 colors meant they were in dif tanks but thought I'd ask anyways. :D

Strangely the lombordoi is a mental case  she swims in vertical circles against the glass on the right side of the tank. She is probably me least aggressive cichlid...and no she doesnt bother the tiger barbs

Hopefully she stays like that. I've never had a lombordoi that wasn't a hellraiser. :no:

At this size it might be a male in female dressing tho.

I don't have any opinions on your tank tho other than it's very nice. I wouldn't change a thing as long as they have hiding spots. :thumbs:
Ill go ahead and ask, without posting a new topic... My zebra has apparently been mouthbrooding for the past ~2 weeks, but there isnt a male in the tank (unless the lomordoi is a male in disguise). Starting yesterday, my zebra has been staying in one place hovering at 45° pointing downward. Her gills are usually fully flared out and it looks like she is moving stuff around in her mouth. (she has yet to eat since two weeks ago). Is this normal? and if so, how long until she realizes she is carrying unfertilized eggs?

thanks in advance
Her gills are usually fully flared out and it looks like she is moving stuff around in her mouth. (she has yet to eat since two weeks ago).

Yea, definately sounds like she's holding. She's moving the eggs around in her mouth to keep them from getting fungus. This cleans them.

(she has yet to eat since two weeks ago) Is this normal? and if so, how long until she realizes she is carrying unfertilized eggs?

This is normal. She doesn't realize they aren't fertilized and will probably keep holding. If this is her first clutch if you pick her up she might eat them or you could strip her. Rub the buccal cavity and she'll release.
Your tank looks great! :thumbs: I really like the plants coming out of the rockwork. Good job.
My zebra is no longer holding. She apparently let go of her eggs sometime in the night and was ready for a BIG BIG breakfast this morning.

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