New Lighting Needed - 60 Gallon


New Member
Apr 10, 2013
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I've had a 60 gallon tank set up for about two months now. It's setup and stocked as a livebearer community tank. I'm now looking to upgrade the lighting which will allow me to grow aquatic plants as well. What would you guys suggest? I've done a fair amount of reading on the subject, but the amount of information is a bit overwhelming. I understand I need to buy fixtures to replace the stock lighting, but I'm unsure of the type etc. I don't need top of the line, but I would like a reliable brand with a reputation. Thank you for your time. 
What lights did it come with and why do you think they need to be upgraded?
It came with (2) 17 watt fluoresent bulbs. From what I've read, you need 2-3 watts per gallon to grow plants correctly. 
if im understanding mean you have incadesent lights and want to replace with flourescent?
***EDIT....just read your reply
I assume that they are fluoresent. They are the round long bulb. 24" i think (im @ work atm). I do know they are 17 watt. At any rate, I don't think they are near adequate for plants. 
lwyatt82 said:
From what I've read, you need 2-3 watts per gallon to grow plants correctly.
Plants will grow in lower light. They're more worried about flow and ferts than light. If it were me I'd get that right first before worrying about lights.
lwyatt82 said:
From what I've read, you need 2-3 watts per gallon to grow plants correctly. 
you have read incorrect information
So given correct water flow and fertilizer, a total of 32 watts is enough in a 60 gallon tank? Doesn't seem right.
Mikey1 said:
From what I've read, you need 2-3 watts per gallon to grow plants correctly. 
you have read incorrect information
and you sir have mis guided information. first off wpg rule of measuring light output is a old invalid and dead method. lighting is measured in par nowadays for anyone serious about plants. if your doing
2-3 wpg" then your serious about plants.
to OP stick to a single flourecent tube the length of the aquarium or two smaller spiral bulbs. the higher the lighting the more ferts and co2 you need not to mention the un avoidable algae takeover with such high lighting as the guy quoted is suggesting. the higher the light the more the plants need and the longer it will take to find that balance. not to mention higher light like that usually goes hand in hand with pressurized co2 as DIY at that level is way to inconsistent.
with lighting- the lower the better in your case. you will be able  to grow plenty with the tubes you have now just get the lowerlighting plants. yes they grow slower but a low light tank is almost a no brainer when it comes to maintaining it and not seeing green water and all kinds of algae growing on your plants.

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