New Larger Tank - Planning Fish


Fish Fanatic
Jun 19, 2010
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i just upgraded my aquarium to what i now have worked out to be 110 liters not 140 like i first thought! anyway currently i have the following after bad advice from pet shops when i wasnt hugely interested in the hobby but now ive got really into it!

3 rosy barbs (think that is their name)
2 arano shrimp
1 non aggressive red tail shark nearly fully grown (i think as he's about 5" and ive have him about 1.5 years)
1 chinese algae eater which is very shy and also very un aggressive
around 5 neon tera's
3 or 4 glow light tetras
1 common plec although he'll soon be going i think
2 silver mollys
1 platy
and 2 other fish which are a little bit similar to my mollys but a grayer colour and have an glowing outline and quite big eyes, cant remember the name for the life of me!

i know the list seems quite big but the tank still looks quite empty because i have not many of each type! (bad advice P@H!! :mad:)

the water levels are right where they should be (0 nitrites and ammonia with about 30PPM nitrates, PH is hanging around 7.5)

i'm loosing the plec i think especially if he starts growing huge but i do quite like him is there a plec which doesnt grow as big which could replace him?

i really like panda corys so thinking about 5-6 of them with also 6-8 tiger barbs?

id also like something different to the usual fish you see like an elepant nose however i know that wont work with my set up (sorry for posting the same thing in more than one thread) black ghost knifes are very cool yet not compatable and so are butterfly fish (not sure on their requirements), basically something which doesnt eat tetras and will get to a nice size and looks pretty cool and different in the tank (i am willing to have a change around with other fish except the red tail shark which i love to bits :p)

sorry for the life story but thanks in advance for the replys :)

this is my tank at the moment:
I'd up your Amano shrimp to 6, for any sort of impact on algae, they also socialize better in a group.I would also think about upping your tetras to 7.

Your algae eater will get aggressive once fully grown and he may just take out the tetras, if he has a chance. I would read up more on him and your shark.

Nice tank x
I'd up your Amano shrimp to 6, for any sort of impact on algae, they also socialize better in a group.I would also think about upping your tetras to 7.

Your algae eater will get aggressive once fully grown and he may just take out the tetras, if he has a chance. I would read up more on him and your shark.

Nice tank x

thanks for the advice, ive red up and asked alot about my shark and most people seem to shink that if it was going to be aggressive then it would have shown signs of it already but its as peaceful as the tetras to be honest! maybe the chinese algae eater will need to go as well but i think i'll leave it unless it starts to show signs of aggression or is this not wise? ive had it about 3 years nearly and in that time its not hurt a fly and not even chased another fish, just sits still all day lol, might be a different matter at night though...

one of my shrimps i think is going to lay eggs because its stomach is FULL of little blue dots which look alot like eggs so might post a topic somewhere about that to stop this going off topic but maybe i'll have more shrimps coming free of charge lol, do you mean up both types of tera to 7 so i have 14 all together?
Tetras should be in groups of 6 or more, I would provide the shrimp somewhere to lay their eggs,otherwise the other fish will have a field day.

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