New Kribs


Fish Herder
Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
Grantham, UK
My LFS had some gorgeous Kribs in last Saturday - as they don't often get any and won't order in specially I bought 3 - 2 females and a male (on the advice of the LFS guy). However, should I have only got a pair? If they pair up will the 'left-over' female get picked on? One female is only slightly pink, whilst the other is getting very colourful, so I'm hoping to get Krib babies, but I don't want any fish to get injured. I can move one female to another tank if you guys think it best.

Thanks for any advice - oh, and I :wub: :wub: my new fishies!!

congratulations on the new fish!

you may find that you will have to move the odd female out when the pair is established. being prepared for this is the best move. it is best to get a group and let a pair naturally form than trying to force a pair though.
Thanks Semper, I think the fish agree with you! Both the male and the more colourful female have started chasing the other female, so i guess it's time for a move!

im in a similar situation, i have 3 males 3 females currently split between 2 tanks, im wondering if i should place all in the 29G till i see a pair form and then place the remaining....the tank already includes 10 small guppies which will possibly go to the LFS soon,5 neon tetras,3 ottos,3 swartz corys

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