New Invertebrates Tank


New Member
Sep 10, 2012
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Hi All
I have a tropical tank but now wanting to setup a shrimp, lobster I am considering setting up a Invertebrates Tank.
Couple of questions
Are there any species that i shouldn't intermix? ie i know that you shouldnt buy fish that are signaificantly bigger than others as they may eat them
Are there any other hints and tips people could give me about running a shrimp tank?
darkfool58 said:
Hi All
I have a tropical tank but now wanting to setup a shrimp, lobster I am considering setting up a Invertebrates Tank.
Couple of questions
Are there any species that i shouldn't intermix? ie i know that you shouldnt buy fish that are signaificantly bigger than others as they may eat them
Are there any other hints and tips people could give me about running a shrimp tank?
Id avoid badis sp. bettas and angels.
The species you should not have in the tank are lobsters. They can kill your smaller shrimp. Another is the predatory shrimp. Nuff said.
so i could put crabs and shrimps together (other than predatory shrimps) but if i wanted lobsters they would need there own tank.
Most crabs are a bad idea for mixing with either shrimp or fish. There is an Australian species of fresh water crab that is reported to be pretty well fish and shrimp safe (it also doesn't try to nip you if you pick it up), but they are not really on the market even in Australia.
Also be aware that a lot of crabs sold in shops are not totally aquatic and need some land to haul out on occasionally.
Crabs and other inverts like yabbies are also well known escape artists so make sure you have a well fitted lid if keeping these guys as pets.
When it comes to lobsters ( are you talking about marine lobsters? or crayfish in fresh water?), if crayfish/ crawdads/ yabbies/ crawtchies then they are better off being in a species only tank. If they don't nip at or eat the other tank inhabitants there is every chance the other inhabitants might harm or kill the yabby when it goes through its moult.

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