New Huge Clownloach


Recovering LFS Worker
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May 29, 2009
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:drool: I adore my new babies!!!

I saw the first (biggest one) at a shop i visited that barely sells fish, they had no idea how much it was worth and so they asked me what i thought, i quickly said about £20 and so that is exactly what i paid for it!! I later then measured the fish when in the bag, it is a whopping 21cm long and 6cm tall (not including fin!). It really is pretty overweight, it had a fat wobbly belly!

My second clownloch i found on the same day at another shop 2 minutes from the first, theyhad a very similarly sized clown loach though not so fat! I got this beauty for a whole £15! When measured, this clownloach measured in at 18.5cm long and 4cm tall (not including fin). This one is in much leaner shape, good condition but not fat.

I bought them both in the morning (the next day) and took them to work to introduce them together and they stayed their a few days, they are inseperable now, both have been alone for many years and it brought tears to my eyes when they greeted each other and waffled their whiskers.

They were happily introduced into my tank last night ad are now happily settled. They have both spent the last few years in the Fluval Vicenza 190 (the corner tank) which isnt really huge!

Here are some (not very clear!) photos of them being introduced, the tank is a mess as i have had to remove everything to put them in (its a bare bottom tank anyway) but all tubes and a lot of wood had to come out because they kept getting stuck, im looking for some drain pipe now!!




Compared to a large young adult angel LOL


Jealous much?! :good:
Funny, I had just saw one in one of the stores I went to. It was enormous! :hyper: Thanks for sharing.
Very nice, and a great price too. I love clowns and have nearly always had them in my Cichlid tanks. They eat all their food and then set about cleaning up everyone else's, their happy and I'm happy. Mine at the moment are around 5/6" I have six in one tank and five juveniles in another.
I love my clown loaches! I have 5 big loaches in that tank but i alo have 3 little juveniles that i would love to get photos of for you guys but they are too small and too fast, one has no middle stripe at all, another has middle stripe on one side but not the other and the last one has a slight middle saddle but only comes halfway down the body on each side.
I love my clown loaches! I have 5 big loaches in that tank but i alo have 3 little juveniles that i would love to get photos of for you guys but they are too small and too fast, one has no middle stripe at all, another has middle stripe on one side but not the other and the last one has a slight middle saddle but only comes halfway down the body on each side.

I love the unusual ones. I've seen quite a few with a spot instead of a middle stripe.

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