New Honey Gouramis


Oct 25, 2003
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Here is a pic of the Honey Gouramis my dad just brought home like 30 mins ago. So cool!!!!! They're only lil babies!


  • Honey_Gouramis__December_1st_002.jpg
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Really cute pic!!
I :wub: him. :cool: :cool: :cool:
Looks like another FOTM nomination to me!!!
Oh yeah, I was gonna say, my dwarf honey gourami, which I believe is the same as yours but older, always hides at the back of the tank....what is the behavior of yours like?
well mine are towards the front of the tank all the time but your lucky you have a bigger one because mine always get caought in the current it is very sad I keep thinkin I'm gonna have to say :byebye: to one of them.
He's beautiful! :wub:

What size are your Gouramis? Is one of them looking sick? What kind of water circulation do you have in the tank?
well I have a power filter and the poor lil guy can barely swim right he like gets flipped over by the currentand then he goes and buries himself in the gravel a little bit and me and my dad are setting up a 4 gallon for him right now to help him and hopefully he will live with no stress in there. I'm keeping him in there until the day he dies (whether it is tomorrow or 3 years from now) because I don't wanna see him so stressed out ever again! Hopefully he will do better in there, what do you think?!?
what else do you have in there if he is gonna be the only one I would say maybe. But I'm not a gourami expert I just like them!! ALOT!!

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