New Home, New Fish


Fish Herder
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Massachusetts, USA
Hi All- well this weekend, my aunt came over for a visit and fell in love with my biggest bala, that was nearing 10 inches long! She has a 150 gallon tank which has 3 other bala's (much smaller) and 4 clown loaches and thats it. She begged and pleaded the whole time she was there to take him/her home. I was reluctant at first but knew her tank was always kept in great condition cleaned regulary and that he fish were all healthy and very happy. So I decided to put him in a cooler and let her have him. She gave me 50 bucks for him. So off I headed to the lfs, and bought two baby bala's, both are under 2 inches long and soooo cute! :wub:
My other bala whos just under 7 inches (I couldn't part with both of them) has taken to the babies and now is their protector. The babies who I have named Sigfried and Frued keep mimicking everything Rosie does. Its sooo cute. So it actually works out perfectly because right now I have the 280 gallon on layaway and it will take me a few months to be able to pay for it, so inthe meantime they can grow out a bit in my 55 gallon.

Just wanted to share my new fish with all of you. I would post pics but my mom has my digital camera. :D

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