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Fish Fanatic
Feb 8, 2005
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Hi all :)

I just joined the board last nite. I just lost my first and only betta two nites ago. I had him for 4 years this month. He was in a small bowl, used bottled drinking water to change his water once weekly. Had hard plastic rocks in the bottom, like 5 of them...nothing else..
Fed him twice a day at the beginning , about 5 little betta pellets total. The last year or so only fed him 2-3 pellets a day, early morning only....using cichlid gold pellets also with the betta pellets. ( store was out of betta pellets at the time!)

Anyway, I miss my little guy and just wanted to share with other betta lovers!

Sorry for your loss,you had four years together, quite good for a betta in a bowl.
Thanks Wilder. Maybe he was a hearty little guy to live 4 years in a bowl, I don't know..
About 15 months ago he stopped eating for about two days , thot I might lose him. But gave him medicine for about two days and he was fine! :)
First off I want to :hi: you to FISHFORUMS.NET! We feel your pain about your betta. It truly is amazing that he was able to live 4 years in a bowl. From what I've read bettas can live UP TO 3 years but wow 4 years?! INCREDIBLE! May your betta :rip:. He had a very enjoyable life I'm sure.
Thanks BettasRFriends for the warm welcome!

Yeah, I don't know how old my betta was when I got him, but I had him for 4 years. So I guess he lived a happy long life! Still so sad to lose him though.

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