New Here And Have Cory Fry Question


New Member
Apr 13, 2015
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I have some 3 day old cory cat fry which I am going to start feeding today. They are not in with community tank but put in a separate container the problem is that we are leaving for 3 days this weekend and I read they need to be fed 3 or more times a day. Is there any kind of food I can put in there that will possible last them for the 3 days? What about daily water changes are they necessary? I have never had my cories lay eggs but they did and I took them out of tank to hatch...bad timing right now so because we will be gone for 3 days. Any advice appreciated! One more question do I always have to take the water from the community tank to do fry water changes?
Hi and welcome.
Is the main tank planted with natural plants? All natural plants will have some natural microscopic 'stuff' on them that we call infusoria. Fry will feed on infusoria so if you have some natural plants you could add a good handful to the fry's container. Another option is to add a dirty filter sponge as they will feed from that too. 
Is the container you have them in filtered? The best filter for cory fry is a sponge filter - one of these it what I use for cory fry
They run from an air pump. Once they get going (it's a good idea to run it for a couple of days in a cycled tank to get it seeded) they can also be a source of infusoria.
If you provide enough infusoria this should feed your fry for a few days whilst you are away. You may have a few that don't make it so be prepared for that. 
As for water changes - change the water before you go - I use water from the parents tank for the first couple of weeks - provided they have a filter and you get no deaths (which could create ammonia and cause more deaths) they should be okay.
Good luck and let us know how you get on :)
In addition to Akasha's suggestions, I have found dried leaves work very well.  I have a tank full of pygmy cory fry and all they eat is infusoria from the dried leaves; I add 5-6 oak leaves that I collected last fall in the back garden, once a week, and this provides food for most of them until they can start nibbling on prepared foods.
On the water changes, it would help to know the tank size and set-up.  If this is an established tank with plants (even just floating), water changes can be less.  If it is a completely bare tank, water changes are more crucial.  Initially you can use water that is a mix of tank/fresh (tank being the water from the tank in which they hatched) but then use fresh.  The number of water changes again depends upon the tank and fry.
ahh yes, thank you Byron. I forgot about dried leaves - although unless the OP collected some last Autumn then they are unlikely to have some to hand :)

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