New Hatched Zebra Danios


Fish Fanatic
Jan 9, 2006
Reaction score
Vancouver area, BC, Canada
I saved the water from the last water change / gravel vac a couple of days ago to see if there would be any eggs left over in there, and put the bucket next to the heater vent in my room to keep the water warm. This morning i found about 7 fry swimming around in the bucket !! :D I was thinking about getting a small tank for a betta sometime soon anyway, so i'm thinking of getting a 2 - 3 gallon tomorrow to put the fry in until they're big enough for the main tank, then put in a betta. This sound reasonable?

Also, what kind of food should i get for them tomorrow? any recommendations by brand etc? Also, when should i transition to other normal foods?
congrats :thumbs:

the small tank sounds like a good idea. it needs to be filtered
by an air driven sponge filter. water should be changed every
3-4 days (25%). the temp should be 81f/27c.
They should be fed on infusoria (liqued fry #1) for about a two weeks.
then you can feed the fry crushed flakes and/or baby brine shrimp.
When the fry are large enough, around 2 months, you can lower the
temp to the normal settings and/or put in with adults.

good luck on raising them
yes that filter would be ideal :thumbs:
Hi, the same happened to me a couple of weeks ago, I did a gravel clean and ended up with 35 tiny danio fry in a bucket. I got a netted nursery which hangs inside the main aquarium, and I have 7 fry left and they are starting to grow quite quicly. I started off with liquifry, and them moved on to a powder which I bought from ebay (SM100) and the fry seem to love it. :)
Ok, i got a small acrylic tank (1.77 gallons) and the 7 or 8 fry are in there, with the water level at about 1/2 full. What's the best way of doing a water change? I've just taken water out using a glass and making sure there's no fry in there, then adding more water from my main tank. This sound reasonable? Is there a better way I could do it? :)
congratulations on your baby danios, i usued to do what youre doing with very small fry just used a jug or glass to do water changes & checked checked & checked again before throwing the water down the sink to make sure i hadnt scooped up any babies. once our fry got a bit bigger i started using a bit of air bubble pipe ( the plastic stuff you connect from your airpump to your bubble wand/stone) i used it as a little syphon to clean all the gunk from the bottom of our baby tank. then i progressed to a small gravel vac but im still very careful what im doing our remaining fry are now at least 1cm big but very curious & do seem to like trying to get sucked up the vac.
what your doing is fine & good luck with your babies :D
My fry are really starting to get big now :D When would be a good time to move the new zebras into the main tank with the rest of my fish? When they get to about the same size, or before that? I don't think they'd be too happy being too big with 8 of them in a 2 gallon ....
if they can fit in the adults mouth then they are still too small
to be housed with them.

the only way you are going to be sure, if you think they are
big enough, is to put one in with the adults and see if it survives.
make sure you have plenty of places for the young to hide.

Kudos to yo for getting this far on your first attempt. :thumbs:
Thanks :) I wasn't really expecting as much to be honest - maybe 50%. Still amazed i've got all 8 and they're doing really well. Not bad considering it started off as a "lets see if there are any eggs in the waste water" kind of thing :lol: Not to mention total lack of experience B)
Amazingly resilient aren't they? I keep finding baby platties in my tank, who knew? Good luck with the babies :)

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