New guy


New Member
Sep 24, 2021
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Concord, CA
Hello everyone I'm relatively new to the fish hobby, 6 months or so, thought it was finally time to join a forum since I always have questions and the websites avalible can only tell you so much. My tanks are a 40 gallon and 180 gallon currently
The 180 gallon currently is home to 2 Sevs (3.5-4.5inches, 2 Oscars (2.5-3inches), 1 Jack Dempsey (1.5-2inches), 2 Reedfish (8-10inches)and 1 sengal (4.5-5inches) and 1 ornate (4-4.5inches) also all fish are less then a year old, I know in the future I'll have to upgrade tank size for Ornate or potentially rehome him but from what I read that should be far off from now at least a few years or maybe even 5 or more. As far as aggression goes everyone is pretty calm most of the time except the jack (who even though he is the smallest perhaps has the biggest attitude) he sometimes but not always charges the oscars when they decend to the bottom portion of the entire tank. The bichirs get along well with one another and only a bit of nipping from the sengal in the beginning towards the ornate but that has stopped completely from what I can tell.


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My 40 gallon on the otherhand has 10 corys, 2 platys and 2 swordtails, 3 angels, 1 clown pleco, an electric blue acara and a peacock eel. Ik Ik its overstocked but I stay on top of water changes (60%-70% weekly) and aggression so far has not been an issue at all (Although tbh when I first introducedthe angels there was conflict with the biggest chasing the smallest 2 but this has since subsided for the most part as they have started to catch up in size). All advise on either tank is always welcome, but hard criticism/bullying is not plz and thanks everyone! I will rehome if any health issues or aggression issues develop at all.


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