New Green Barbs


Fish Fanatic
Dec 21, 2011
Reaction score
Norwich, Norfolk
Today I bought 5 Green Barbs and next week hoping to get 5 more but the one concerning thing is that they are pacing the front of the tank, so I gave them a little bit of food (Flakes) and they are still doing it, any ideas as to why they would be pacing the front ???? I have 3 Pearl Gouramis and 2 Sumo Loach in there with them... I don't know if this would make any difference but... yeah.
Any advice would be helpful, thanks. :)
My barbs do that quite often. Is your filter oulet pointing that way, as mine seem to like swimming around in the flow.
As in Puntius semifasciolatus?

What temp is your tank and what temp was the shop tank? These are temperate fish that do fine in a heaterless tank in a typical house.
the shops tank temperature was at 26 and mine is at 27-28 ish the powehead is set on low but i have quite a heavily planted tank

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