New Goldfish


Fish Fanatic
Dec 22, 2006
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my sister won a fish at the carnival :D but, will it survive in my fish tank with my guppies and platies????

temp is 67-72 :rolleyes:
What size is your tank? They perfer cold water as the guppys and platies don't. But in terms of surviving a goldfish can live through a lot, but the goal is not to be cruel. Oh, and is it a Comet goldfish or fancy one?
I wouldn't risk putting it in, carnival fish frequently cary diseases and parasites.

Aside from that, at higher temperatures (not that 72 is very high, why is it so low anyway?), goldfish's metabolism speeds up and they produce much more waste and grow faster. I doubt your filter could take big is the tank?

Plus, the goldfish will quite likely munch the guppies when it's a bit bigger.

If I were you, Id use the goldfish as an excuse to build a pond :good: .
Most carninal goldfish are either common or comet goldfish, unfortunately these are some of the largest growing varieties of goldfish, such goldfish will eat platys and guppys as it grows (common and comet goldfish can grow to over 15inches long).
The best thing you can do if the goldfish is a common/comet one is get a 20-30gallon long tank for the goldfish and get it 1-2 goldfish buddies (if its a fancy goldfish, get 1-2 more fancy goldfish, if its a non-fancy goldfish just get 1-2 more non-fancy goldfish) and upgrade the tank to a 90gallon long when the goldfish hit the 6inch-7inch long mark. Either that, or put the goldfish in a pond of at least 3 depth and 6ft length which has space for some goldfish.

You still need to ID what sort of goldfish you have though, not all varieties grow huge and they do vary in their care quite a bit, this link has many pics of different varieties of goldfishes listed to help ID what sort of goldfish you have;

:thumbs: .
30 gallons is really only big enough for one small goldie to grow. In 6 months or even less it will need upgrading if its to grow to a healthy size.
If it stays in a small tank it will only grow to the volume of water its in so will remain stunted.
A pond is the best place.
I had a similar situation at the fair here in Bloomsburg, Pa. last night my 7 yr. old daughter would up with 2 comets that are cute and are presently in a 10 gallon, which I know is to small for at least one but I'll be getting a large tub from walmart here soon to put them in. I have a 29 gallon which is still to small and even then I wouldn't keep goldfish in them, I don't want gold fish and since I know how or what reaction my 7 yr. old would have we now have 2 to take care of. I'm by no means a bad fish keeper and if I could get rid of them without her knowing to someone who'd take them I would, but for now I'm going to have to figure out a humane way to keep them happy. I wouldn't mind having goldfish one day but it would be one of the fancy type if so.
my sister goldfish is happy, he's/her's running around and eating :) . the platies are following and coping him/her :blush: . I think it is a fancy and also how do you tell the gender(temp.70F) :/ .
i'm geting pics :hey: :hey:(it is a comet goldfish(common :shifty: )).
here he/she is.............

here he/she is.............

View attachment 48269

A male goldfish show what are called tubercles, which are tiny white spots over the gills and thicker edge more pointed fin,he tends to chase the female or other fish in its tank, thin and symetrical from top...

alot less tubercles in a female,
tends to be fatter if carrying eggs..

Male Goldfish have longer and pointed pectorals as well as
stiff fin ray, while females have more rounded pectorals and
shorter, finer front fin rays.

I was breeding my comets a few years ago but, recently got a young pair of shubunkin and they both turned out to be female
Looks like a comet goldfish by the tail. Those guys can get pretty large especially cause of their tale. A 30gallon tank would be the minimum for him. Be sure to check out the pinned items at the top of this subforum. Also goldfish are considered coldwater fish so 65 to 72 is ideal. However you should not try to add him in with your platies and other fish. Platies and guppies are tropical fish and therefore should have temps of 75F to 80F. As you can see those temps. for tropical fish are not ideal for coldwater fish.
do not keep them together, this kinda common goldfish will grow very fast and huge, will defintely eat those guppies.
30g for the first Goldfish 10 gallons for everyone after that. Temp 68F-70F is best.

Um that only applies to certain types of fancy goldfish- comet and common goldfish can easily grow to 15inches+ long and would grow way to big for a 30gallon tank, 75-90gallons minimum for the first comet or common goldfish is more realistic.

my sister goldfish is happy, he's/her's running around and eating :) . the platies are following and coping him/her :blush: . I think it is a fancy and also how do you tell the gender(temp.70F) :/ .

You are aware that the goldfish will end up eating the guppys and platys as it grows aren't you? Not to mention also the goldfish would thrive better at temperatures that would be too cool for the platys liking etc.

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