New Glass Cats


Fish Fanatic
Dec 30, 2008
Reaction score
Wisconsin, USA
I just got 4 new glass catfish and 3 are healthy and happy but the 4th one disappeared after a day of having him! The slots in the filter arent big enough for him to have gotten sucked in, there is a secure lid on the tank so he couldntve jumped, and the other fish in the tank arent big enough to eat him. Also I found no body or remnants of a body. Does anyone have any idea what could've happened? :unsure:
He's not caught in a plant or anything? They're VERY hard to see sometimes even when they're swimming.

I have 3 glass cats and I'm sorry for your loss but I'd be checking absolutely everywhere, in the filters in the powerhead even in some of the gravel they're oh so hard to see!

Also what could have happened is after it's died the other fish have just nipped and nibbled him up :(
yea he's not stuck in a plant, i scoured the tank when i changed the water. And now again, about a week ago, another disappeared. I'm noticing the smallest two disappeared. it's strange.

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