New Fry


New Member
Sep 24, 2003
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Stoke, UK
Woke up this morning and found lots of new eyes in the tank !

I managed to transfer about 30 into an isolation tank, first time for me and very proud !

I thought she was a week away. Can someone give me some pointers on how best to feed them ?
Go to the lfs or walmart and pick up some fry food mine comes in small yellow bottles from when i had some guppy fry.but i think it depends what kind of fry if its, live bearers is what i had and they seemed simple enuff to feed. 8) hope this helped
Hatched brine shrimp works very well, but for livebearer fries, any small food is ok. You can use your two fingers and grind the food until they become fine powders. You can feed them typical flakes or pallettes.

But if you can hatch brine shrimps, it allows them to grow faster...

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