New Fry !!


New Member
Oct 2, 2003
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New York
Well my first load of fry are here (Aulonocara Baenschi) . I happen to look in the Tank and noticed some real small fry. I counted 20 but it is hard to tell the actual # right now with rocks, plants, etc. but I do see some small heads poke out every now and then. I have them in a 29 Gal :D
Hey congrats on the fry. Are you keeping them or selling them?
lol this must be the time for babies I just had a load labidochromis cearleus last night as well
i here ya, just w/in this week i got 70 N. leleupi, 30 N. caudo., and about 10 N. multifasciatus. So fam... and juan... congrats on your fry too, lol. peac....
I am gonna keep a couple, give my brother a couple and I don't know what i'm gonna do with the rest... :D

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